Veliken War - The Pride of Natopia

The Shireroth/Natopia/Antica Recwar League
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Veliken War - The Pride of Natopia

Post by chancellorN8 »

Nathan Shepard finished his meal in his private quarters aboard the Natopian flagship, INS Gustav Lindstrom. The ship, and the entire fleet behind it, was the pride of Natopia. Every piece of material, every financial credit, every hope and dream of every Natopian, had gone into the production of this flagship and the shimmering fleet behind it. Years ago, in the Legislative Frenzy there was much oppositon to building this fleet, it would ruin the economy. But Nathan Shepard convinded the representatives that a grand navy will bring glory to the Republic. In the back of Nathan's mind, he knew this endeavor was too big for such a small nation. Natopia had overextended itself, and will have a useless navy rusting in the ports of the island.However, despite Natopia's dimunitive size and general lack of importance to world affairs, Nathan had managed to ally Natopia with the much larger nation of Antica. A border dispute between Antica and Shireroth had given Nathan the chance to prove Natopia's value to the world, and quickly pledged Natopia only military unit, the controversial fleet of 15 vessels, to aid Antica in gaining control of the disputed region.Nathan had worked his way to the bridge of the Gustav Lindstrom and surveyed the vast ocean around him. The rag-tag fleet was spread out majestically behind him. The familar shores of Natopia had long vanished and every seaman on board was desperatly hoping to see the their destination and military target, the Audentior Territories. ~ HSE Nathan ShepardGrand Chancellor of NatopiaChief Justice of LavalonPrime Minister of the IAEdited by: Gryphon the Pure at: 5/15/05 0:03



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