Veliken War - The dispatch of the FCEC

The Shireroth/Natopia/Antica Recwar League
Cesare Agosto
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Joined: Fri Apr 11, 2003 7:53 pm

Veliken War - The dispatch of the FCEC

Post by Cesare Agosto »

It was a gala celebration. Everyone was there. Even the mother of the Marquis made a guest appearance, and she was very rarely seen in public anymore. Vanity, they said. In any case, Capitolia hadn't seen a celebration like this, since, well, the last one. You'd hardly imagine there was a war on. Officially, this was all in honor of the many successes of Vitellio d'Agosto (any, by extension, his nephew Cesare), a grand send off before he would head off to Mar'Sara, or wherever the tides of war took him. Unofficially, everyone knew what this was all about. "Honestly, my Lord Marquis, can I and my troops get out of here? Every minute among all these revelers undoes at least an hour's worth of work I put in to creating discipline. You have no idea how hard it is to mold the addle-pated youth of today into a proper fighting force. If I could, I'd trade the lot of..." "Vitellio," Cesare interrupted, as is his wont, "call me Cesare. You were there when I was born, for God's sake." "... Back to the subject at hand, we're wasting time here when we could..." "Your time here is hardly wasted. I'm uncomfortable sending you so far away. I don't want those snarling curs of the upper nobility to forget about you while you're gone. So while I have you, and those excellent troops of yours, I'm going to show you off. And I'll not hear another word on the matter." "Well at the very least, let me move my troops to the base outside of town. I hate to see all my months of hard work going down the toilets for a pageant." "Not another word, uncle. I'm sure you're more than up to the challenge of undoing whatever damage our fair city does to them, no? Besides, who'd drink all the wine I ordered?" "My Lord Marquis, you're giving them wine! Honestly, subverting my authority like that... of all the..." "Cesare. Call me Cesare. And don't worry yourself, I've saved plenty for myself. You're welcome to share." "That's not what I meant..." "Pity. Anyway, your orders. Tomorrow, you'll begin boarding the ships. We've yet to recieve any help from the Shirithian navy, so we've commandeered a few trading ships. In your name, of course." "Of course." "They're not exactly up to military standards, but they should get you there. In the mean time, unlce, try to enjoy your stay." "No guarantees, My Lord Marquis." "Oh, and uncle." "Yes?" "Feel free the make yourself comfortable in Mar'Sara. Get to know the locals, get a feel for the place. I know that's not exactly your forte, so I'm dispatching one of my, ahem, confidants along with you. His name is Tomasseo Ghidemni. See that he is well taken care of." "Anything else?" "Yes, now that you mention it. Be careful. I need those troops, and I need you." "You know, My Lord Marquis, that's the first thing you've said that I've actually agreed with. Good day... Cesare."Effect: The FCEC boards commandeered ships, and departs for Mar'Sara Cesare Agosto: Formerly omnipotent, now merely omniscient.Edited by: Gryphon the Pure at: 5/15/05 0:06



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