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A bit of history

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 9:43 pm
by Daniel Farewell
Hurmu's letter to the Menelmacaris

From the people of Hurmu to the people of Menelmacar:

As a day passes, our dreams do too. We grow older, if lucky wiser, engaged in new sights. A day passes, and yet our hearts bleed. They bleed from suffering and scourges from past, past that not yet have been forgiven. We must be able to forgive when moving on.

What we know is very little, we love it. This, we will be able to learn each minute of life. And live it with joy. Happiness, the core of life, that which make us karjak-ka. All people speak of this. “We are born young from mothers” That we are taught from an early age, yes we are born young. But being youthful one shall not be neglected, they shall be guided. Guided with love, respect and compassion – not with hatred and force as we have seen in many countries. Take each others hands and in peace join each other, join a higher cause, a new world. As all conflicts are about one thing alone – the ability not to see through the eyes of the enemy. If we could, we would understand. If we all took each others’ hands, pressed them and gave us a hug of community, a hug saying “we are together, everything will be just fine”. Because of that, we must, old and young, woman and man, friend or foe, take peace into our hearts and let us see through the eyes of others.

We all have two ears and one mouth, if we’re lucky. Use them with right proportions. Listen two thirds of the time and only speak up one third. We follow that here in Hurmu, that is why we don’t say much. We collect information, so that we can see objectivity. But at this day we voice ourselves, humble but in trust people would listen.

We speak on two main things, the two revolutions in our lifetime in this world. First the one that divided the land apart. The Oira Arnanorë Menelmacariva, a people in silence and now us, not divided – but in revolution for a higher cause. True peace and equally, like we like it. As we want it. As we should live. It is hard, yes, but you will make it. We give full co-operation on this. But on the Oira Arnanorë Menelmacariva, we have no answers. The situation is heartbreaking, just heartbreaking. It troubles our hearts to see a people apart, in hate to each other. Yes, one and another are welcoming the other one to come “home”. But home is where you have your heart. Hurmu will forever be our home, whether we have it in our possession or not. A land we always will put in our mind, teach our children and guide us all on the path of Hurmu.

We believe speaking of the Oira Arnanorë Menelmacariva situation brings much worry to you. We did not experience it; we only watched it and prayed for the best. Time is so important. Many days pass until that morning your hearts are able to forgive. We see it as you are not now. Remember, reach out your hand and welcome with open arms. Funny, isn’t it. With the same way Menelmacar was founded, the same way it was divided. Déjà vu…

We regret that the Elenaran were not able to fulfill his duties. We do not know of the reasons and we will not speculate. We are happy that a new government can be installed, without the nation dieing. We praise the easy change, and hope it will bring a new light to Menelmacar.

Hurmu acts as a collectivity; we do nothing if our people voice doubts. That is why we are glad to have our own forum, our own life and in happy minds act together as one, one family, one Hurmu.

We welcome you to join Hurmu, one day Hurmu may be able to stand on her own feet. Not yet. Sighting that day brings us hope and new strength to move on, day by day, in a Menelmacar where freedom reigns, now and forever.

With blessings from the people of Hurmu, we reach out our hands in building a better Menelmacar.

Toj mar hurmu ka
Toj mar menelmakarel
Toj boyn kesse toj Hurmu
La toj Menelmakar.