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A seal for Hurmu?

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 3:45 pm
by Daniel Farewell

What do you think?

Re: A seal for Hurmu?

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 3:49 pm
by Daniel Farewell

The inscription reads "The People and the Council of Hurmu" in both ancient Hurmumol and English.

The snowflake has six "arms", one for each lake of Hurmu. Each arm is unique and asymmetric, reflecting the position and qualities of the lakes. Also, a snowflake is crystallized water, water is from the lakes. Although snowfall is very rare in Hurmu, it is known to occur. The serenity of snow is, in many people's eyes, Bridaic.

I know the colours don't match Hurmu's flag, but eh, whatever.

If you have any suggestions for changes or if you outright like/hate this, make a call :)