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...and the final reason to call it the Small Commonwealth...

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 7:51 am
by Ari Rahikkala
(please read ... 196&t=9428 if you haven't already)

... is that unless we make the terms "we'll give you Shirithian land for free", not many nations will join. Novatainia might, depending on just how Shirephilic Andreas is, and how ultimate his power as king is. Maraguo will if they can, but that's really for Batavia to decide. Aside that, I don't really know of any nation that would do it. Hurmu's too Babkhan, Babkha's also too Babkhan (:p), Antica probably still isn't very fond of the idea of having ties to Shireroth. I don't know much about Tokian, Amokolian or Stormarkian internal politics, but I doubt any of them will be inclined to join, either.

Which is why the Commonwealth would end up quite small indeed, and so, calling it the Small Commonwealth would be wonderfully appropriate ;).

Perhaps we could come up with some decent carrots for nations considering joining? What can Shireroth offer that you wouldn't be able to get without being a member?

(it's not that the Commonwealth doesn't have a purpose. There's history and historical research, especially history related to MCS land, there's matters of economy and recwars, etc.. I *do* see it as more than just prestige for Shireroth. It's just that we don't really have anything all *that* good to offer that we're not already freely giving to anyone who asks.)

Re: ...and the final reason to call it the Small Commonwealth...

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 11:34 am
by Kaiser Loki III
I'd rather have friends and friendly adversaries and few member-states than anything "Grandish".