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Things are happening....

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 5:31 pm
by W.Payne
Things are happening in Kildare again! :yay:

The Dutch is trying to figure out how to ration votes out to the Barons. Let's just hope we don't have to pay for them, or the economy might get better! :surprise

And in Melangia, Cla'Udi has been made Count of Melangia by Baron Andreas. Good leadership is expected to follow.

Baron Payne has almost finished his stay in Sermolot. His next stop is Modan Loch, Brookshire. Everyone be sure to wish him luck and safety as he finally departs Kildarian soil.

In Hallucination, Baron Payne has established a noble family. Soon, memberships will be starting to go out to noteworthy people, so you may want to see if you can get one.

Remember to check back daily for any updates, and don't be afraid to give some constructive criticism or suggestions. We are always looking for ways to improve the quality of the news we provide Kildare with.