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Looking for....

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 7:32 pm
by Sebastien Alexandre
A job. If you care to read this, then obviously you care about the coming economy. To that, Oz wants a job.

For my 'resume' here in Shireroth... I have done the following:

-Minister of the Interior (Grand Duchy of Coralia)
Handled immigration forms, forum upkeep, etc

-Minister of Defense (Republic of San Martin)
Began the first ever roleplay-academy for recwars, organized the onslaught of Germania, turned San Martin into a feared power (until it fell to internal chaos)

-Minister of Trade (Imperial Republic of Shireroth)
Assistant Minister of Trade to (Oh I'm embarassed.. I forgot his name :( ) Scott(Not Siskind..). Minister of Trade after (Not Siskind) Scott, promoted the dwindling donation Erb economy.

Lawyer- San Martino Law Firm
-Represented Mr. Edgard Portela against (some greek guy from Martin) in the Talamthom Court of Law

Chief Editor - (Shirerithian Star)
-Ran a newspaper (before the esteemed View from Benacia) had some good articles from it, but I let it fall when the View did much better - I didnt want to strangle both businesses, so I killed one for the greater good.

Minister of the Interior (Red Britania) *
-Handled immigration forms, etc.

*I THINK it was Mini Int, if not, it was Mini Ex.

Also note: Im not trying to TAKE anyone's job, I am just prsenting my credentials so that perhaps an already existing minister will take me under zir wing.

Please contact via Personal Message.

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 7:58 pm
by Conglacio
If you care to read this, then obviously you care about the coming economy.
No, I just like to read everything ;)

And it was Austi Scot. :)

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 8:20 pm
by Sebastien Alexandre
Ouch... well.. I was close.

Sad, isn't it? I forgot me old mentors name... I am the Heir of the True Halluci and I forgot its first rulers name...
