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To Whom It May Concern

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 7:14 pm
by BayenIV
Since we've all noticed that a certain evil overlord's use of magic in SCOWL is a little broken, we took certain measures in Gralus to get rid of said magic. I figured I'd repost the move over here as well, in case anyone was interested. This really only affects CCM; any other stories or non-SCOWL things you have going on don't need to worry about this. On the other hand, if you wanted to try out SCOWL and were annoyed by all the magicky doomsday machines frolicking about, now would be a good time to give it a shot!
Kane paced about the Skoitomashu Academy, one of the last free magical institutions that hadn't fallen in the past few weeks. He needed more ideas, more ways to fight back against Al'Magroth. He'd done well so far, but the enemy was relentless. It was impossible to maintain such creativity over an extended period of time; he needed something decisive. So he paced, his thoughts running circles in his head. He was getting nowhere.

From around the corner, the elderly janitor of the Academy whistled a tune. Well, thought Kane, he's someone to talk to. He approached the custodian and said, "We're fighting a losing war, you know."

The janitor paused his whistling momentarily--"How insightful"--then resumed the song, mopping the floor as he did.

"It doesn't matter how clever I am or how many tricks I come up with; in the end, it's always only a drop in the bucket." Kane leaned against the wall in resignation.

Propping his mop against his cleaning cart, the janitor looked straight at Kane. "Maybe it's not all about you. And never forget--the bucket is filled with nothing but drops."

Kane straightened his back. "A lot of drops..." His eyes widened. That... that was an idea. He turned back to the custodian. "Thanks for your help, ...?"

"The name's Tai," said the janitor, tipping his hat.

Kane grabbed the old man's hand and shook it heartily. "Thank you, Tai!" he said with a grin, then he rushed away.

Tai watched the Headmaster run to the end of the corridor and turn the corner. Then he picked up his mop and resumed cleaning, whistling all the while.
"Is it finished?" asked Tai, looking over Kane's shoulder at the tiny blue device.

"Yes," replied Kane simply, holding it up to the light. "The Aeon Dissipator is complete."

Tai sighed in recollection. "I haven't heard that term in a long time. Since the Demon War."

"It's lucky we kept the designs. They were a bit outdated, but I couldn't have built it without them." Kane looked at the tiny bomb. How innocent it looked. "I made it stronger than before," he added. "Much stronger."

"You realize this will be the end of our way of life. The consequences will affect generations hundreds of years from now." Tai put his hand on Kane's shoulder. "Are you sure you're ready to give all this up?"

Kane said nothing, his gaze remaining fixed on the little blue bomb.
The Skoitomashu Academy teleported for the last time, settling into its final location. Within, the mages stood assembled in the grand hall. The floor was covered with countless Mass Aeon Dissipator bombs. It was time.

The Praygulin Monks stepped forward, taking a few dissipators each. One by one, they teleported to various locations across the world, spread far apart to cover the maximum area. They placed the bombs, set the timers to 6 seconds, then quickly returned to Skoitomashu.





Kane placed his hand on a large stack of letters, muttered an incantation, and teleported them to their respective addresses.


And magic vanished from the world.
Magic-users across the world instantly noticed the blackened void on the Astral Plane. Many tried to cast, but the spells fizzled at their fingertips. It was no use; the magic was gone.

A split second before the magic had vanished, though, small envelopes had appeared on the desks of all the important-type people who commanded any sort of important military unit. It read as follows:
To Whom It May Concern:

I have removed the magic from this world.

Sorry for the abruptness and lack of warning, but it was safer this way. I think we've all realized how dangerous magic is over the past few weeks with the rise of this self-styled "Dark Lord" Al'Magroth. One man with too much arcane power was able to bring entire nations to their knees. Al'Magroth has shown no signs of slowing, either; his armies march ever forward, guarded by his mages to the point of invulnerability.

Some people might think to fight magic with magic; to them, I answer that I've tried. It's no use; he's had too much time to prepare. Someone had to level the playing field, even the odds. Now magic is gone, and Al'Magroth is vulnerable. It is our time to strike.

Kane conSkoitomashu
Headmaster of the Skoitomashu Academy
Summary: CCM is negated with a CCM-legal move. ;) SCOWL is now a nonmagical recwar charter, at least until someone comes up with a not-broken way of doing magic. This move only affects SCOWL; I don't presume to mess with all of Shireroth's amazing culture that may or may not include magic. I'm just trying to... even the odds... against Al'Magroth.

Re: To Whom It May Concern

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 10:19 pm
by Erik Mortis
Thank you. Magic has a bad habit of becoming broken.. in ANY setting... (says the guy playing a Sorcerer in D&D).