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Death From Above

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 6:50 pm
by Lucard Cyrus Wrend
A soft, yet incessant, pinging woke Lucard Wrend from a deep slumber. He spared a few moments of regret for the dream he had been having (he had slapped god and told him how he felt about omniscient beings and the whole science isn't real ideology). This moment was brief though, and he made to roll out of bed. Had he been awake enough to care he would have pointed out that he did not roll out of bed, but instead completed a elliptical rotation that served the purpose of extracting himself from his sleeping implement. But he wasn't.

When he had successfully, threaded his head through a shirt and splashed some water on his face Lucard opened the door and emerged into the Central control room. As per usual the technicians working at their stations pretended not to see him and look as busy as possible. Lucard reached the center of the room and activated the computers. The pinging stopped.

Wide eyed, Lucard looked around the room and back at the glass surface. The Kaiser himself! He wasted no time. "I want a full team of technicians in here immediately. We have launch orders for the KE platforms." Immediately, several men left at a headlong run to fetch the missing technicians. Ignoring them, Lucard typed in his activation commands into the computer. Eden's electronic voice filled the room narrating status reports, orbital trajectories, and other data.

In a matter of twenty minutes the command room was bustling with activity and more then 20 of the platforms were under manual control. A voice called out above the noise, the face lost in the bustle. "We need the coordinates sir and we can being moving the platforms into place."

"No need for that. I've taken care of that part myself." replied Lucard, barely looking up from the screens.

The man, he had dusty brown hair, looked as if he would respond for a moment. Tap on his shoulder and a whispered comment from one of his colleagues silenced him though.

"Ok men. Coordinates have been locked into Eden's system. I wan't a stable sympathy rate from this point on." The 360ยบ screen changed to displayed Amity island. A set of crosshairs settled on a point on the northern coast and the live feed began a dizzying plunge. The imaged stabilized on Negrixnaht.

"Lucard! You can't possibly mean that this is our target." said one of the men in the second ring of computers.
"Would I joke about work Rodfree?"
"This is peoples lives! We are organization for the defense of the people. This is pure hypocrisy!"
"This is a direct order from the Kaiser Rodfree. I am merely the messenger."
"Of Death! Lucard I will not be part of this." And the man proceeded to storm from the room.

Lucard glared at the rest of the men, daring them to follow suite. A few other left, but the majority stayed. Weather from fear of Lucard, or loyalty to the Kaiser it was unclear.

Eden's electronic voice filled the room. First Platform to come into range in 6 hours. All platforms in range in 13. Prepping Kinetic Energy Munition.

Re: Death From Above

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 7:28 pm
by Allot

Re: Death From Above

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 2:18 pm
by Erik Mortis
One of the men who left, did so to report the event to Rebel Forces. Priorities have changed.