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[Commission] Batavian Space Station

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 5:07 pm
by Leo Fenrir
Batavian National Space Station [BNSS]
MAS Format
Name: BNSS
Nation: Batavia
Type: Space Station
Orbit: Calculated Trajectory
Angle relative to equator: -56º
Altitude: 473 +/- 5 km
Launch Coordinates: [0ºN;-95ºW] 'Ground Zero'
Total Mass: 4.2•10^5kg
Ring Diameter: 200m
Speed of Rotation: 0.156m/s

Station Components

[Note: The ISI has included what it deemed necessary in the station blueprints but Modules can be added or removed as the nation sees fit before final production. Please notify the ISI should you wish to include any lab modules on-board.]

EDEN Core : The Extensive Di-Nodal Electronic Network or EDEN is a processing system developed by the ISI that functions like a virtual neural network of nodes (ie. processecors). Though costly to manufacture EDEN has many advantages over conventional computation. It can support omnidirectional commands (eg. a single node can receive, process, send, and archive a bit simultaneously), and operates as a 'smart grid' which is able to automatically reroute processes should the load become to much on a single set of nodes. The biggest difference with this unit of the EDEN is that it lacks the universal uplink to Leonardo Central Control and runs as a completely autonomous unit.

Life Support Systems : Two core systems are central to maintaining life on the BNSS. There are the Air Purification unit and the Waste Management and Recycling unit. Expected life of the units is about one year with monthly maintenance. Both systems rely on specially manufactured catalysis to break CO2 and wast into its component molecules.

Living Quarters : Living quarters on the BNSS are located in the outer ring where residents are subject to a pseudo-gravity of approximately 9.8N (kg•m•s^-2) There are 7 permanent quarters, each capable of housing 2 residents, and 4 general rec rooms that can be converted into temporary lodgings should more residents require to be housed. One of the general rec rooms is a dedicated gym where residents are required to visit daily to fend off muscle atrophy.

Docking Bay : The BNSS has been equipped with a basic ducking bay, capable of mooring a basic shuttle. This however can be further adapted if a list of shuttle classes to be accommodated are provided.

Observation Deck : The BNSS has a built in observation deck in its lower ring where it feels a pseudo-gravity of approximately 2N (kg•m•s^-2). This space is currently simply for recreation and aesthetic appeal. It can however be adapted into lab space or storage, and even living quarters in a pinch.

Communications router : A series of radio, micro, and infrared wave transceivers have been equipped as part of the general communications router on the BNSS. These can be appropriated to fulfill any basic task that any other satellite could undertake though they were designed with government communications in mind.

Short Burst Thrust System : The BNSS is equipped with a basic thrust system to ensure a stable orbit and to minimize deviation.

•+<ISI Designs>+•

Re: [Commission] Batavian Space Station

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 10:41 pm
by dr-spangle
Really, I should have edited that tracker so you can set altitude by now :P

Re: [Commission] Batavian Space Station

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 6:21 am
by Jonas
Thank you, this surely is worth the investment. :thumbsup