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A rough historical outline.

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 10:30 pm
by Erik Mortis
No dates. Just the order as best I can recall.

Republic of Shireroth founded as a direct democracy, temporary benevolent dictatorship, under the Provisional Constitution and Articles of Creation. President called the shot.
Various constitutions proposed, almost ended up a communist nation.

Merged into AIN. (caused trouble)
Merged into FIOJ. (Was quiet)
Left FIOJ.

Refounded as Republic of Shireroth with the Kaiser and the Landsraad.

7th Republic. Ministries got fun names like MiniEx. MiniImnat.
Stole Amity from FIOJ. (That was fun)
Ate the UAS as Kildare.

Founded MCS, brought in Hyperborea and Treesia(?) as early members. FIOJ reluctant.

Commonwealth of Benacia
Some wars.

CoB became Hegemony of Alexandros. Merger of Shireroth, Machiavellia, and Hyperborea.
Colour Rebellion. (Yardistanis caused trouble and set off a grand tradition)
YAC made big splash in FIOJ, as it died.

Tymaria Merger.
Yardistan took over Shireroth for a time and became Cooperate Republic of Yardistan.
Whitt Rebellion
Kaiser's reassert control.
First Constitution written under Viviantia I (?) Landsraad reestablish.
Caused trouble in Tymaria, growing and slowly eating it.
Left Tymaria

Various Constitutions and laws passed. Numbers swell.

Mog Rebellion.

Constitution renamed to Charter because of confusion with USA constitution.

Lawbook created. (What a pain!)
Decreebook created. (Even bigger pain!)

Lots of laws and procedures and stuff. Ministries merged and unmerged.

Imperial Judex created by Zary

Charter changes.

New Feudalism.

New Feudalism dies.

Charter shunk, changed to allow for amending, and some restrictions on Kaiser.
Provost renamed to Arbiter.

Decreebook shrunk and parts merged into Lawbook.