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Casino Mod update 1.0-3.3

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 5:15 pm
by Erik Mortis

Code: Select all

1.0 Original product
2.0 txt logging removed. Style changes to match with bank. 
		disclaimers removed. 
3.0 created lotto.php for the Kildare Lottery. Added constants needed,
		created the table on the server. updated menu.php. .htaccess copied
		index.php (empty) made. 
		created lottolib.php, minor changes to lotto.php.
		making use of *_transaction() functions in util.php
		Finished lottery page and functions. 
		Making button for controler.
		All functions for lottery complete!
3.1 Created CRON script. and protected it in .htaccess.  		
3.2 Lottery will log winning account and amount in a txt file. 
3.3 moved lottocron.php into new cron directory and call it daily.php
		made email for lotto cron a global we can edit here. 
		Moved images into images directory. General clean up. 
		Removed test file. fixed write_winner() to work in cron directory.
		lottowinner.php still works but throws weird warnings. 
More or less abandon project. Mostly due to lack of interest/requests/pay. It was only worked on as part of a larger upgrade for the way the bank does automation. Still waiting on Ari with word back on if that is possible. Was looking into make a roulette game. Got bored due to lack of pay for it.