Austis' Plots

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Austis' Plots

Post by Austi_Scot »

Unless I misunderstand this - I don´t pay the peasants (Tenants) - just provide food at level 1 and they work by the week, and eight tenants can work a plot at a time, that´s 80 peasants.

I have agreed and paid to hire 6 Hired Labourer work groups , I call these Freemen in keeping with our feudal society, and if I understand this correctly I don´t feed them - just pay their wages of 1 gold per day. (and they work by the day - not by the week.)

I´ll hire those Freemen for Monday through Friday and pay the additional 24 Kala.

Thus I on plot 9:
I will put 40 peasants (4 tenant groups) to work fishing - all week. = 2 fish/day , 14/wk.
40 peasants (4 tenant groups) working getting special resources - all week. = 2 special/day, 14/wk.

On plot 10:
40 peasants fishing all week = 2 fish/day, 14/wk.
40 peasants getting special resources - all week. - 2 special/day, 14/wk.

On plot 14:
80 peasants cutting wood all week = 4 wood/day, 28/wk.
60 Freemen cutting wood today = 6 wood/day, 30/wk.

So by the end of the week I would have 28 fish for food, but the peasants are going to eat 24 of those, so I´ll have 4 fish left.
I´ll also have 28 wood produced by the peasants and 30 produced by the Freeman = 58 total.
I´ll also have 28 special produced by the peasants this week.
Austi Scot
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Re: Austis' Plots

Post by Andreas the Wise »

Looks good, with one exception. You've hired the freemen to get wood (which is fine). And then you've hired a whole bunch of other peasants with food. The thing is, you don't have the food to pay them at the start. You need to get your freemen to get some food first, then use that to pay peasants to produce more food. (eg 1 freemen for 1 day produces 1 food. That then feeds a peasant for a week at 50% capacity, so they'll prod. You're paying 1 food and 1 week to get 3.5 back.)

So yep - just work out how you're getting that starting food, and then, by all means, go for it with your current plan :thumbsup
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Re: Austis' Plots

Post by Austi_Scot »

Ok, here´s the new plan for this week:

Plot 9:
30 Freemen fishing for 5 days = 15 food
40 peasants fishing all week = 2 fish/day, 14/wk.
40 peasants getting special resources - all week - 2 special/day, 14/wk.

Plot 10:
30 Freemen fishing for 5 days = 15 food
40 peasants fishing all week = 2 fish/day, 14/wk.
40 peasants getting special resources - all week. - 2 special/day, 14/wk.

Plot 14:
80 peasants cutting wood all week = 4 wood/day, 28/wk.

So by the end of the week I would have 58 fish for food, but the peasants are going to eat 24 of those, so I´ll have 34 fish left after feeding the peasants this week.
I´ll also have 28 wood produced by the peasants.
I´ll also have 28 special produced by the peasants this week. (Which special resource will this be?)
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Re: Austis' Plots

Post by Andreas the Wise »

Special is Whale (and thus a Luxury Good). And the plans sounds very good. Nice to see people getting involved. Now if I could just get Jonas ....
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Re: Austis' Plots

Post by Jonas »

Almost vacation... then I can start playing. :)
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Re: Austis' Plots

Post by Austi_Scot »

Thank you, Freemen, for the production of 30 food. You are hereby released - now get off my land before I have the peasants take clubs after you!

Peasants, you produced between all of you only 4 food each day, but you have eaten 17 so far this week. It looks to me like you'll want food again today and tomorrow. You had better keep up your production of food or else you will have to go on a fast - and not one fish had better be left uncaught either. I didn't say feast - I said a fast, you stupid peasants.

You slow fishermen peasants, take a look at your fellow unworthy servants who have been cutting wood. So far they have only cut 20 wood. They had better get more wood cut today and tomorrow! They are not worthy to eat the fish you caught - but I suppose you will sneak food to them anyways.

You ugly peasants catching whales - what the heck are you up to? You have 20 whales this week so far. I have no market for whales, have you no common sense in your heads? I suppose you too have been eating while doing something so worthless! You make the rest of your lot look as if they're acting like one of my own sons.

Counts up the production:
Lets see - 30 and 20, that was 50 fish caught, but I only have 33 here - what the heck? Those peasants d eat 17.
20 wood, _ I already have to give 15 of them up for that stupid Ruler .. ah, contract
20 whales _ what the heck am I gonna do with these?

Get back to work you silly peasants, you can't read! What the heck you doing looking at my writing?


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Re: Austis' Plots

Post by Austi_Scot »

What have you silly peasants done? I thought I made it clear there is no use for whales at this time, yet you continued getting whales. Now I have 28 whales that I can´t use. Let me as clear as possible about this, I can´t use whales.

Let me look at the food production, what have you produced since the last time I took a look; yes 8 more you say? Well where are they, I only see 1 here. WHAT - you ate the other 7, on only a few days? You peasants are big eaters re, now I only have 34 food for the next week. Maybe I should let you strave!

Let me look at the wood production. You had 20 and I sold 15 to keep this operation afloat. What more do you have? Another 8 wood - humph, I suppose that´s better than none.

Remember, the more wood you produce the sooner you´ll get a house. So step up the working, and lay off eating so much of the food. And remember, don´t go around getting stuff I don´t need, can´t use, and don´t want - like those whales!
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Re: Austis' Plots

Post by Austi_Scot »

This week´s work schedule:

Plot 8: (Just purchased - order exploration, expect it to be in either gas or coal)
80 peasants getting gas or coal - all week - 4/day, 28/wk.

Plot 9:
80 peasants fishing all week = 4 fish/day, 28/wk.

Plot 10:
40 peasants fishing all week = 2 fish/day, 14/wk.
40 peasants getting special resources (whales) - all week - 2 special/day, 14/wk.

Plot 14:
80 peasants cutting wood for 5 days = 4 wood/day, 20/wk.
80 peasants fishing for 2 days = 4 fish/day, 8/wk.

So by the end of the week I would have an additional 50 fish for food, but the peasants are going to eat 32 of the food I already have, so I´ll have 52 fish left after feedinghave 20 more wood for a total of 41 wood.
I´ll also have 14 whales caught by the peasants this week for a total of 42 whales.
Austi Scot
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Re: Austis' Plots

Post by Austi_Scot »

9. 30 Fish, 20 Special
10. 20 Fish, 30 Special
14. 30 Fish, 20 Wood

Um, I might be goofing up a bit - must check it out.

Total production declared during week 1
9: 29 fish, 14 whales ----- within the monthly production levels
10: 29 fish, 14 whales ---- 9 too many fish for the whole month
14: 28 wood ---- 8 too many wood for the whole month.

I believe I was taking the production to be a weekly level when the Resource Charter says it´s a monthly production level that can be done on a given plot.

I should not have been allowed to produce 29 fish on plot 10 nor 28 wood on plot 14.

I put 240 peasants to work. Clearly the most food I can produce is 80 per month and at best that will only feed 200 peasants for a 4 week time (1 month ) time frame.

Based on a 4 wk. month:
10 peasants (1 Tenant) eats 1 food/wk = 4 per month - they can produce 3.5 food/wk 14/month.
20 peasants (2 Tenants) eat 2/wk = 8 per month- they can produce 7/wk .. 28 per month.
30 peasants (3 Tenants) eat 3/wk = 12 per month- they can produce 10.5/wk .. 42 per month.
40 peasants (4 Tenants) eat 4/wk = 16 per month- they can produce 14/wk .. 56 per month.
50 peasants (5 Tenants) eat 5/wk = 20 per month - they can produce 17.5/wk .. 70 per month.
60 peasants (6 Tenants) eat 6/wk = 24 per month - they can produce 21/wk .. 84 per month.

Clearly I would be over my lands productive level at this point.

I´ll work out a new plan taking these facts into consideration. My week 2 plan is hereby void. I´ll find a way to pay for the mistakes I made the first week.
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Re: Austis' Plots

Post by Austi_Scot »

This was my plan for last week:
Plot 9:
30 Freemen fishing for 5 days = 15 food
40 peasants fishing all week = 2 fish/day, 14/wk.
40 peasants getting special resources - all week - 2 special/day, 14/wk.

Plot 10:
30 Freemen fishing for 5 days = 15 food
40 peasants fishing all week = 2 fish/day, 14/wk.
40 peasants getting special resources - all week. - 2 special/day, 14/wk.

Plot 14:
80 peasants cutting wood all week = 4 wood/day, 28/wk.

This is what really happened:
Plot 9:
30 Freemen fishing for 5 days = 15 food
40 peasants fishing all week = 2 fish/day, 14/wk.
40 peasants getting special resources - all week - 2 special/day, 14/wk.

Plot 10:
30 Freemen fishing for 5 days = 15 food
20 peasants fishing for 5 days = 1 fish/day, 5/wk.
They sat on their butts doing nothing for 2 days other than filling their face.
40 peasants getting special resources - all week. - 2 special/day, 14/wk.
20 peasants sitting around doing nothing all week. (except eating)

Plot 14:
80 peasants cutting wood for 5 days = 4 wood/day, 20/wk.
They played games in the woods for 2 days and ate picnics.

At the end of the week the Freemen and peasants produced 49 food and the peasants ate 24. I also sold 5, thus I have 20 left.
The peasants also caught 28 whales - and I have all of those.
The peasants cut 20 wood, I sold 15 of those and have 5 left.

I `ll soon post a plan for week two, maybe for the all three weeks.
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Re: Austis' Plots

Post by Austi_Scot »

Left on my land for this month:
8. unkown
9. 1 Fish, 6 Whales
10. 0 Fish, 16 Whales
14. 30 Filan for the rest of the month (not yet including plot 8)
Alright 210 of you peasants get lost, get off my land. You eat too much, the land can´t support you!

Plot 9: 10 Peasants
10 peasants catching fish for 2 days .5/day, 1 for the rest of the month
10 peasants catching whales for 5 days .5/day , 5 for the rest of the month

Then all 10 of you go over to plot 10 for the rest of the month, 9 more days and help your brethren over there catch whales.

Plot 14: 30 Peasants
30 peasants fishing for 20 days 1.5/day, 30 for the rest of the month

Then all 30 of you go over to plot 10 for the last day and help those guys catch whales.

Plot 10: 10 Peasants
10 peasants catching whales for 21 days
10 peasants from plot 9 catching whales for 9 days
30 peasants from plot 14 catching whales for 1 day

Total of whales caught will = 16 on plot 10

Expected production:
31 food and 21 whales during the next three weeks.
I have 20 food in store from week 1 - during these 3 weeks the 50 peasants will eat 50, leaving me with 1 food. I have 28 whales already and will get another 21 - 49 Whales at the end of the month.
I have 5 wood but won´t be able to get anymore this month.
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Re: Austis' Plots

Post by Andreas the Wise »

Hmm ... does it read "produce per month?" That's stupid. Make it per week, aeverything else per week.
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Re: Austis' Plots

Post by Austi_Scot »

ok, I guess I go back to my other plan - and include plot 8 this time.

New plan will be forthcoming.
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Re: Austis' Plots

Post by Austi_Scot »

Ok, here´s the new plan for this week:
Please note: used the wood I had on hand to upgrade plot 8 to level 2.

Plot 8: lvl 2 -- 30 Fish, 10 General Farming
30 peasants farming for 5 days = 1.8 food/day, 9.0 total
50 peasants fishing for 5 days = 3.0 food/day, 15.0 total
80 peasants fishing for 2 days = 4.8 food/day, 9.6 total

Plot 9: lvl 1 --30 Fish, 20 Special
80 peasants fishing 7 days = 4 food/day, 28 total

Plot 10: lvl 1 -- 20 Fish, 30 Special
80 peasants fishing for 5 days = 4 food/day, 20 total
80 peasants catching whales for 2 days = 4 whales/day, 8 whales total

Plot 14: lvl 1 -- 30 Fish, 20 Wood
80 peasants cutting wood for 5 days = 4 wood/day, 20 total
80 peasants fishing for 2 days = 4/food day, 8 total

At the end of the week the peasants will produced 89.6 food and will eat 32 leaving 57.6, thus I will have 77.6 food when the week is done.
The peasants will catch 8 whales this week, thus I will have 36 whales at the end of the week.
The peasants will cut 20 wood, thus I will have 20 come next work schedule time.
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Re: Austis' Plots

Post by Austi_Scot »

Plan for this week:
Resources on hand:
77.6 food
36 whales
20 wood

Upgrade plots 9, 10, and 14 to level 2: cost = 15 wood

Plot 8: lvl 2 -- 30 Fish, 10 General Farming
90 peasants fishing for 5.5 days = 29.7 food
90 peasants farming for 1.5 days = 8.1 food

Plot 9: lvl 2 --30 Fish, 20 Special
90 peasants fishing for 5.5 days = 29.7 food
90 peasants catching whales for 1.5 days = 8.1 whales

Plot 10: lvl 2 -- 20 Fish, 30 Special
80 peasants fishing for 4 days = 19.2 food
10 peasants fishing for 1 day = .6 food

80 peasants catching whales for 3 days = 14.4 whales
10 peasants catching whales for 6 days = 3.6 whales

Plot 14: lvl 2, 90 peasants -- 30 Fish, 20 Wood

90 peasants cutting wood for 3 days = 16.2 wood

10 peasants cutting wood for 2 days = 3.6 wood
80 peasants fishing for 2 days = 9.6 food

90 peasants fishing for 2 days = 10.8 food

Food: 107.7
Whales: 26.1
Wood: 19.8

Food: 36
Wood: 15

Expected resources on hand at end of week:
Food: 149.3
Whales: 62.1
Wood: 24.8
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Re: Austis' Plots

Post by Austi_Scot »

Plan for this week:
Resources on hand:
Food: 149.3
Whales: 62.1
Wood: 24.8

Plot 8: lvl 2 -- 30 Fish, 10 General Farming
90 peasants fishing for 5.5 days = 29.7 food
90 peasants farming for 1.5 days = 8.1 food

Plot 9: lvl 2 --30 Fish, 20 Special
90 peasants fishing for 5.5 days = 29.7 food
90 peasants catching whales for 1.5 days = 8.1 whales

Plot 10: lvl 2 -- 20 Fish, 30 Special
80 peasants fishing for 4 days = 19.2 food
10 peasants fishing for 1 day = .6 food

80 peasants catching whales for 3 days = 14.4 whales
10 peasants catching whales for 6 days = 3.6 whales

Plot 14: lvl 2, 90 peasants -- 30 Fish, 20 Wood

90 peasants cutting wood for 3 days = 16.2 wood

10 peasants cutting wood for 2 days = 3.6 wood
80 peasants fishing for 2 days = 9.6 food

90 peasants fishing for 2 days = 10.8 food

Food: 107.7
Whales: 26.1
Wood: 19.8

Food: 36

Expected resources on hand at end of week:
Food: 221
Whales: 88.2
Wood: 44.6

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Re: Austis' Plots

Post by Andreas the Wise »

Austi ... this is going to make you sad.

You've exceeded your limit for tenants on some plots.

At level 1, you can only have up to 8 tenants per week
At level 2, 9,
At level 3, 10 (check the Charter beyond that)
I know because I was planning to put 15 people on one plot then realised that would be cheating. You'll have to re-check some of your production (most likely it means not using all your food each week and stockpiling some).

That being said, I'd be interested in trading with you if you have some spare Wood and Special. I can trade up to 15 Cotton (a clothing good), and would like up to 11.4 Wood, and would take the rest in Special. At the moment, a 1:1 trade rate seems most appropriate.
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Re: Austis' Plots

Post by Austi_Scot »

Plot 8 is lvl 2 - therefore it can have 9 tenants (90 peasants since a tenant is equal to 10)
There are only 90 peasants (9 tenants), they fished for 5.5 days and farmed for 1.5 days.
Total time: 7 days of work makes one week. (and it makes one weak too)
Plot 9 is lvl 2 - therefore it can have 9 tenants (90 peasants since a tenant is equal to 10)
There are only 90 peasants (9 tenants), they fished for 5.5 days and caught whales for 1.5 days.
Time: 7 days
Plot 10 is lvl 2 - therefore it can have 9 tenants (90 peasants since a tenant is equal to 10)
These peasants are divided into two groups:
1st group is 80 peasants: They worked 4 days fishing and 3 days catching whales
2nd group is 10 peasants: They worked 1 day fishing and 6 days catching whales:
Total time:
1st group: 7 days
2nd group: 7 days
Plot 14 is lvl 2 - therefore it can have 9 tenants (90 peasants since a tenant is equal to 10)
All 90 peasants cut wood for 3 days
Then 80 of them went fishing for the next 2 days and 10 of them kept cutting wood.
Then all 90 went fishing for the last 2 days of the week.

Total time 7 days - the peasants just did different things on different days.
I don´t see where I´ve exceeded any of the limits, not labour or resources.
Austi Scot
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Re: Austis' Plots

Post by Andreas the Wise »

Ah, sorry, my bad. :knife

I just skimmed at the number of workers ... I didn't see you were putting them all in for part days .... :o Carry on then.
The character Andreas the Wise is on indefinite leave.
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Q - Director of SAMIN
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Re: Austis' Plots

Post by Austi_Scot »

Starting resources:
Kala: 4
Food: 221
Whales: 88.2
Wood: 44.6

Sell: 150 food to ruler for 75Kala
Trade: 11.4 wood and 3.6 Whales to Andreas for 15 cotton

Resources now on hand:
Kala: 79
Food: 71
Whales: 84.6
Wood: 33.2
Cotton: 15
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Re: Austis' Plots

Post by Austi_Scot »

Starting Resources:
Kala: 79
Food: 71
Whales: 84.6
Wood: 33.2
Cotton: 15
Bought plots 15, 16, and 25 and had them explored: Cost 72 Kala
Take plots 15, 16, 25 to lvl 2 (90 peasants): Cost 15 wood
Set aside food for 630 peasants: Cost 63 food

Resources now on hand:
Kala: 7 - Gold
Fish: 8 - Food
Whales: 84.6 - Luxury Goods
Wood: 18.2 - Building Materials
Cotton: 15 - Clothes
Plot 8: lvl 2 - 90 peasants, 30 Fish, 10 General Farming, 20 Natural Gas
Peasants are split into 2 groups, one group of 80 peasants and another group of 10 peasants.

80 peasants getting natural gas 4 days = 19.2 natural gas
Then farming for 3 days = 3.6 vegetables

10 peasants farming 7 days = 4.2 vegetables
Plot 9: lvl 2- 90 peasants --30 Fish, 20 Whales
90 peasants fishing for 5.5 days = 29.7 fish
Then catching whales for 1.5 days = 8.1 whales
Plot 10: lvl 2 -- 20 Fish, 30 Whales
Peasants are split into 2 groups, one group of 80 peasants and another group of 10 peasants.

80 peasants fishing for 4 days = 19.2 fish
Then catching whales for 3 days = 14.4 whales

10 peasants fishing for 1 day = .6 fish
Then catching whales for 6 days = 3.6 whales
Plot 14: lvl 2 - 90 peasants 30 Fish, 20 Wood
The peasants will all cut wood for 3 days = 16.2 wood
Then split into 2 groups, one group of 10 peasants and another group of 80 peasants for 2 days.
10 peasants cutting wood for 2 days = 3.6 wood
80 peasants fishing for 2 days = 9.6 fish

Then all peasants will go fishing for 2 days = 10.8 fish
Plot 15: lvl 2 -90 peasants 15 Lead, 35 Fisll 90 peasants are mining for 5 days = 15 lead
Then all the peasants go fishing for 2 days = 2.4 fish
Plot 16: lvl 2- 90 peasants, 50 Fruit, 20 Fish
90 peasants picking fruit for 7 days = 37.8 fruit
Plot 25: lvl 2 90 peasants, 50 Fur
90 peasants trapping for 7 days = 37.8 furs
This weeks production:
19.2 natural gas
7.8 vegetables
72.3 fish
37.8 fruit
26.1 whales
19.8 wood
15 lead
37.8 furs

Expected Resources on hand at the end of the week:
Kala: 7 - Gold
Natural gas: 19.2 -power/Transport, Fuel
Vegetables: 7.8 - General Farming
Fish: 80.3 - Food
Fruit: 37.8 - Luxury Food
Whales: 110.7 - Luxury Goods
Wood: 38 - Building Materials
Cotton: 15 - Clothes
Furs: 37.8 - Clothes
Lead: 15 - Metal
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Re: Austis' Plots

Post by Austi_Scot »

Starting Resources:
Kala: 7 - Gold
Natural gas: 19.2 -power/Transport, Fuel
Vegetables: 7.8 - General Farming
Fish: 80.3 - Food
Fruit: 37.8 - Luxury Food
Whales: 110.7 - Luxury Goods
Wood: 38 - Building Materials
Cotton: 15 - Clothes
Furs: 37.8 - Clothes
Lead: 15 - Metal

Set aside food for 630 peasants: Cost 63 food
sell 45 clothing to Ruler for 22.5 Kala (Gold) ****

Remainig Resources:
Kala: 29.5 - Gold
Natural gas: 19.2 -power/Transport, Fuel
Vegetables: 7.8 - General Farming
Fish: 17.3 - Food
Fruit: 37.8 - Luxury Food
Whales: 110.7 - Luxury Goods
Wood: 38 - Building Materials
Cotton: 7.2 - Clothes
Furs: 0 - Clothes
Lead: 15 - Metal

Plot 8: lvl 2 - 90 peasants, 30 Fish, 10 General Farming, 20 Natural Gas
47 peasants getting natural gas 7 days = 19.74 natural gas
43 peasants farming 7 days = 18.06 fish
Plot 9: lvl 2- 90 peasants --30 Fish, 20 Whales
71 peasants fishing for 7 days = 29.82 fish
19 peasants catching whales for days = 8.98 whales
Plot 10: lvl 2 -- 20 Fish, 30 Whales
47 peasants fishing for 7 days = 19.74 fish
43 peasants catching whales for 7 days = 18.06 whales
Plot 14: lvl 2 - 90 peasants 30 Fish, 20 Wood
47 peasants cutting wood for 7 days = 19.74 wood
43 peasants fishing for 7 days = 18.06 fish
Plot 15: lvl 2 -90 peasants 15 Lead, 35 Fish
35 peasants are mining for 7 days = 14.7 lead
55 peasants go fishing for 7 days = 23.10 fish
Plot 16: lvl 2- 90 peasants, 50 Fruit, 20 Fish
90 peasants picking fruit for 7 days = 37.8 fruit
Plot 25: lvl 2 90 peasants, 50 Fur
90 peasants trapping for 7 days = 37.8 furs

Expected the week:
Kala: 29.2 - Gold
Natural gas: 38.94 -power/Transport, Fuel
Vegetables: 7.80 - General Farming
Fish: 126.08 - Food
Fruit: 75.60 - Luxury Food
Whales: 137.74 - Luxury Goods
Wood: 57.74 - Building Materials
Cotton: 7.2 - Clothes
Furs: 37.80 - Clothes
Lead: 29.70 - Metal
Austi Scot
Former Citizen

May Kaiser Mises I rule soon.
Former Citizen
One Time Order of The Phoenix
Impartial Envisionor

Baron Von_Scot of Hallucination
The future Kaiser Mises I
Former Cessor of Shireroth.
What does the Cessor do?

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