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Amending the Economy section

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 7:15 pm
by Malliki Tosha
So, Allot has a good point when it comes to the chapter on the economy in the LawBook. I propose we discuss the chapter freely first, then get into each section and what we need to do to make it conform with reality.
Chapter XIII: Economy
[edit] A. Supremacy

This Law shall supersede and replace any previous law or legislation related to the Economic System of Shireroth. It shall be deemed as Law and Precedent when dealing with all issues regarding economics and shall act foremost among laws for the economic and financial issues.
[edit] B. Authority of Interpretation

1. The authority of interpretation of the following articles rests in the following offices:
a) The Kaiser
b) The Arbiter
c) The Minister of Trade

2. The Kaiser shall act as supreme regulator of the economy and will hold all currency as property of The Crown.
2.1 The duties and responsibilities of the economy shall be delegated to the Ministry of Trade as stated in article 3.
2.2 Crown Currency represents the total sum of Erb not in general circulation and shall be held in The Crown Account. The Crown Account shall act as the account of The Government Of Shireroth.
2.3 All Crown currencies shall be distributed from the Crown Account and all taxes payable in Erb shall be paid to and deposited to The Crown Account.
2.4 The sum funds residing in The Crown Account are reserved for the purpose of government spending as determined by The Kaiser, The Steward or by Act of the Landsraad.
2.5 The Kaiser may hold a personal account known as "The Household Account" which remains the personal property of the reigning Kaiser.

3.0 In cases dealing with procedure, The Minister of Trade (hereafter referred simply as "the minister") shall act as director and comptroller of the functioning of the economic system.
31.The minister shall promote the use of the economic system and devise of new ways to implement it.
3.2 The minister shall act as the authority for registering businesses and shall ensure the correct procedures are followed by said companies.
3.3 The minister is warranted to conduct any financial investigations, and warranted to audit companies registered in The Imperial Republic Of Shireroth.
3.4 All issues of international trade must be overseen and approved of by the minister who in turn will notify The Kaiser.

4. The Arbiter shall act as auditor of any and all accounts registered within The Imperial Republic Of Shireroth. The Arbiter shall have access to any and all bank records and transactions and is charged with Royal warrant to investigate any financial issue. All disputes regarding a financial nature shall be presided over by The Arbiter. The Arbiter is warranted to apply fines, restrictions and procedural limitations on any account or company registered within the Imperial Republic Of Shireroth with the exception to the accounts held by The Crown.
[edit] C. The Erb

1.0 The national unit of currency used by the subjects and inhabitants of The Imperial Republic Of Shireroth shall be known as "The Erb".

2.0 In promotion of our feudal society and government, Duchies may have a local unit of currency when approved by the Kaiser for the purpose of developing the economy of the Duchy.
[edit] D. Distribution

1. Total Erb and its movement.

a. The total sum of Erb in circulation shall be 100 000€.
b. All Erb shall be initially issued from The Crown Account and distributed to other accounts as stated within this Law.
c. Additional distributions may be made by regular functions of the economy.
[edit] E. Distribution of Money

1. All new citizens shall receive a bounty from the Treasury upon joining Shireroth.

2. A citizen who revokes their citizenship or is declared legally dead by The Kaiser or by Act of Landsraad will have their account revoked, and the balance returned to The Crown Account.

3. The Treasury is empowered to distribute the initial amount of Erb in part D.1.a between the citizens to place it in initial circulation. This will be primarily based on the current rank of citizens at time of issuing. The Treasury is not empowered to distribute further additional amounts issued under D.1.d.

4. a. The Treasury is empowered to distribute further money by means of paying bounties.
b.The Treasury is empowered to develop its own policy on this matter, but should primarily give bounties to those citizens who have helped Shireroth grow or develop.
[edit] F. Fraud

1. Any attempt to exploit the economic system of Shireroth in a way deliberately contrary to the intention of its framers shall be known as fraud.
2. Fraud is a crime in the Imperial Republic of Shireroth.
3. The following actions are examples of fraud:
a. Transferring a noble title with the sole intent to benefit economically from the Crown's gift to new title-holders.
b. Joining or enticing other immigrants to join Shireroth with no intention of staying, with the intent to benefit economically from the Crown's gift to new immigrants.
4. The Ministry of Trade may declare any application or transaction to be fraud, and may cancel the transaction.
5. The Judex may declare any application or transaction to be fraud, and may cancel the transaction and, in cases where there was clear criminal intent, sentence the offenders. These sentences may include fines, demotions, bannings, or whatever else the Judex considers necessary.
[edit] G. Companies

1. Citizens wishing to register a Business within the Imperial Republic Of Shireroth must register within the Ministry of Trade. They must state who the primary owner of the company is and is limited to one owner. Profits gained by the company will be deposited into the owner's account and distributed by the owner as they see fit. Companies engaging in international trade are forbidden to exchange erb with a foreign currency, or give erb to non-citizens of The Imperial Republic Of Shireroth.
[edit] H. Official Bank

1. All currencies will be held within accounts registered to the Bank of The Imperial Republic of Shireroth.
[edit] I. Financial Privacy

1. Any financial records, statements, or statistics pertaining to an individual citizen of Shireroth, including those of their accounts in the Bank of the Imperial Republic of Shireroth, may not be made or permitted to be made available to the public except by the sole discretion and action of that citizen.
a. Exceptions may be made during the course of a case before the Imperial Judex, if said financial information is relevant as evidence.
b. Any said financial records, statements, or statistics shall still be available as needed to officials in the Imperial Government as provided for in Section B of this Chapter.

2. The preceding section shall not necessarily apply to any presentation of financial records, statements, or statistics in which individuals are not explicitly identified.
[edit] J. Taxation.

1. The Ministry of Trade shall be empowered to conduct national taxation when it is deemed necessary to maintain Crown financing.

2. Each Duke shall be taxed 2000 each time tax is required.
[edit] K. Guilds

1. A system of guilds shall be introduced in Shireroth. Any specific area of economic activity may apply to the Ministry of Trade to be recognised as a guild.

2. Guilds will be limited to a specific area of economic activity, but within that area are allowed to require qualifications for membership with a basic framework drawn up by the Ministry of Trade. Guild members are also the only people allowed to charge for the service they render.

3. If membership qualifications are deemed excessive by the Ministry of Trade they may be changed by them.

4. If a Guild ever has no members left it will be disbanded.

Re: Amending the Economy section

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 7:29 pm
by Malliki Tosha
I find many issues with this chapter. The first issue is the fact that much in the beginning is superfluous. Saying that the Kaiser is this and the Kaiser is that is unnecessary and a waste of space.

"This Law shall supersede and replace any previous law or legislation related to the Economic System of Shireroth." What is the point of this sentence? The law has superseded previous laws. It shouldn't even have been in the act to begin with. Bad formatting, bad legislating.

Section 2 and 2.1. First of all, it is pretty self explanatory that the Kaiser is the supreme regulator of the economy. Furthermore, I dislike the Landsraad mandated delegation to the MiniTrade. If the Kaiser ever contradicted this section via decree, by for example delegating to a different ministry, this section would be effectively repealed.

Section 2.3 places unnecessary restrictions on the MiniTrade. For example, the Judex can't legally demand payment of fines and fees to a separate Judex account, since they count as taxation.

Section 2.5 is iffy on constitutional grounds.

Perhaps section 3-3.4 should be in the MiniTrade section (VI, D)

Section 4 is also badly formatted. What is, for example, a "Royal warrant"? The Arbiter doesn't need any more authority than the fact that he is second only to the Kaiser in the judicial "branch".

Perhaps section 1 should be amended to read "citizens and denizens" instead of "subjects and inhabitants"? "Subject" isn't really a term used frequently in Shireroth.

As Allot said, this part could more or less be deleted entirely.

Section 3 should be deleted (and shouldn't have been put in the LawBook to begin with).

G and H are grossly outdated.

So, those are my first thoughts. What are yours?

Re: Amending the Economy section

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 10:42 pm
by Andreas the Wise
It's going to be easier for me to just say my thoughts without connecting them with any of yours, at least to start.

A. Unnecessary.

B. Meh to 1.
For 2 - didn't the Landsraad change the name of the account? 2.2 can be stricken now we're in SCUE. Not sure we need 2.3 (the first half sounds like it was designed for the initial creation of the economy, not for general usage). Not sure about the necessity of 2.4 and 2.5 anymore.

3. Seems fine.

4. Makes some sense, but is odd because we've never actually given the arbiter access to the logs etc.

C. fine

D. Very outdated, can we remove it?

E. Is 1 still valid? I haven't given the recent converts money, if it is.
2. Question re SCUE interpretation. The SCUE treaty says people are under the economics laws of whichever country their account is in. So does this mean section 2 is read as "citizens whose accounts are registered in Shireroth and are declared dead"?
3. See D.
4. Finally, a useful passage we can keep :)

F is generally good (I like the broad interpretation of Fraud allowed). But example 3a needs changing.

G. Since it's official MiniTrade policy to not register companies anymore, we should either consider striking G; or telling the MiniTrade they're operating illegally.

H. Change to SCUE bank?

I. Well, the admin has and always will have access to all this ... but I guess that's not a Shirithian matter, that's an SCUE thing.

J. Still useful. I don't intend to use this much, but it's good to have there.

K. Still useful.

Re: Amending the Economy section

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 4:06 pm
by Allot
Chapter XIII: Economy
A. Supremacy
B. Authority of Interpretation
1. Unnecessary.
2. Keep it.
2.1 Unnecessary.
2.2 Irrelevant (SCUE).
2.3 Just a name change for the account.
2.4 " ".
2.5 Why is this iffy?

3.# Not sure this needs to be in here at all.

4. The Arbiter shall act as auditor of any and all accounts registered within The Imperial Republic Of Shireroth. The Arbiter shall have access to any and all bank records and transactions and is charged with Royal warrant to investigate any financial issue. All disputes regarding a financial nature shall be presided over by The Arbiter. The Arbiter is warranted to apply fines, restrictions and procedural limitations on any account or company registered within the Imperial Republic Of Shireroth with the exception to the accounts held by The Crown.

C.# The Erb
Seems good

D. Distribution

E. Distribution of Money

1. I say we keep this. I like it.

2. Just legal rewording here, I guess.

3. The Treasury is empowered to distribute the initial amount of Erb in part D.1.a between the citizens to place it in initial circulation. This will be primarily based on the current rank of citizens at time of issuing. The Treasury is not empowered to distribute further additional amounts issued under D.1.d.

4. Keep it.

F. Fraud
Keep it.
a. Transferring a noble title with the sole intent to benefit economically from the Crown's gift to new title-holders.
We don't even give this anymore, do we?

G. Companies
H. Official Bank