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[Republiek der Nederlanden]Unified Currency treaty

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 9:27 am
by Nihill Romez
Fellow representatives,

The Republic would also like to sign the Unified Currency treaty. Our parliament has already given green light for this one, so its up to our fellow members.

Any additional information, you can ask here.

Re: [Republiek der Nederlanden]Unified Currency treaty

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 11:46 am
by Erik Mortis
Shireroth supports their entry into the SCUE.

Re: [Republiek der Nederlanden]Unified Currency treaty

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 1:44 pm
by Andreas the Wise
I'll ask now (because the Askhenatzans still haven't given it to me), even though under the treaty I can't use this data for another week.

Would you like 'Nederlanden' as your country name? (one word, please)
What regions would you like displayed in the bank? (your citizens register in a region within your country. May be useful for taxation purposes; or just to get people to base their businesses in different places. One for your capital is traditional as one for all the government accounts)
How many citizens does the Nederlanden have that aren't already participating in the SCUE economy? (Though Jonas said something about you, Batavia and Flanders trying to all come in at once and allocate the total starting funds for your countries based on people's holdings of your current currency. If this is the case ... I'll wait until Batavia comes in).

Re: [Republiek der Nederlanden]Unified Currency treaty

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 2:29 pm
by Björn Ironfist
Stormark also supports our friends from The Netherlands. :thumbsup

Re: [Republiek der Nederlanden]Unified Currency treaty

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 12:17 pm
by Arviður
Hurmu supports the Republic of the Netherlands. :)

Re: [Republiek der Nederlanden]Unified Currency treaty

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 4:53 pm
by Harvey Steffke
The Nelaga Territories note that, while there is more than sufficient evidence to support the fact the Small Commonwealth approved the Republiek der Nederlanden's admittance, the Treaty Repository does not contain a topic where they post their approved treaties with the Commonwealth, including their official signing of the General Membership Treaty, of which all treaties, including the SCUE, originate. This makes me wonder if the government of the Republiek der Nederlanden actually confirmed its entry status.

Because there is no copy of the General Membership Treaty on file, mandatory to join the SCUE, the Nelaga Territories cannot support the entry of the Republiek der Nederlanden at this time. If this is a mere bookkeeping error, should it be corrected, we would gladly reverse our position.

Re: [Republiek der Nederlanden]Unified Currency treaty

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 10:41 pm
by Erik Mortis
To be fair. Not many people have been keeping up on that... I proly ought to go smack some heads or something. Maybe I'll let loose the Secundus to go make people update their threads, when he is elected.

Re: [Republiek der Nederlanden]Unified Currency treaty

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 3:11 am
by Harvey Steffke
Yeah, it's probably time we made a bigger deal about it. I was about to do some brief research on the Republiek here and the first question I had was "what other treaties have they signed so far?" and there was no records of any. That's not so good. With as many members and treaties as we're starting to accumulate, everyone keeping up to date on their minor paperwork is the only hope we have of keeping it all straight.

Re: [Republiek der Nederlanden]Unified Currency treaty

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 10:40 am
by Nihill Romez
We havn't signed any other treaty's then the general one. I wasnt aware I should post it somewhere else too.

Re: [Republiek der Nederlanden]Unified Currency treaty

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 12:08 pm
by Erik Mortis
That's partly my fault... Just post a copy of the general membership treaty here in a thread with it's title the name of your nation. When ever you sign a new treaty, post a signed copy to that thread. It's easy.

Re: [Republiek der Nederlanden]Unified Currency treaty

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 12:58 pm
by Harvey Steffke
Well, I'll consider having brought this up enough dwelling on the matter, especially since I don't want to single out the Republiek here as the sole offender. Therefore Nelaga gives support to their joining of the SCUE.

Re: [Republiek der Nederlanden]Unified Currency treaty

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 1:05 pm
by Nihill Romez
Treaty posted...
Would you like 'Nederlanden' as your country name? (one word, please)
Yeah, that's fine.
What regions would you like displayed in the bank?

Is there a maximum of regions we can chose?
How many citizens does the Nederlanden have that aren't already participating in the SCUE economy?
I'll check that out now.

Re: [Republiek der Nederlanden]Unified Currency treaty

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 1:26 pm
by Andreas the Wise
Maximum - no. But if no other nation currently has more than 6, to give you an idea of the numbers.

Re: [Republiek der Nederlanden]Unified Currency treaty

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 1:03 am
by Erik Mortis
Harvey: . They have posted to the Repository.

And since Harvey's objection was retracted/resolved. And it's been a week, and no objections.

Welcome to the SCUE!

Administrator, the ball is yours.

Mr. Representative, make sure you post the SCUE treaty in the repository for records, and all shall be handled on my end.