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Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 2:43 am
by Jonas
Greater Audentior is hereby rebelling against both Kaiser Mors VI, Anandja II and the foreign troops. Soldiers will be sent to certain keypoints on the Apollonian continent to secure it against foreign, Imperial and Anandjan threats.

"Now, let us see how we get our land back..." mubled the Dutch to the Dant.

Re: Rebellion

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 6:13 am
by Malliki Tosha
Land is held in fief. There is no Kildarian, Elwynnese or Yardistani land, only Shirerithian land, held in trust.

Re: Rebellion

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 7:01 am
by Jonas
Malliki Tosha wrote:Land is held in fief. There is no Kildarian, Elwynnese or Yardistani land, only Shirerithian land, held in trust.
No, something can be Shirerithian and Kildarian. You can do whatever you want, replace duchies by houses, kingdoms,... but the Apollonian parts of Shireroth will always be marked as Kildare! :)

Re: Rebellion

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 8:25 am
by Malliki Tosha
The problem here is that you want to own Shirerithian land permanently, even tho you don't have the population for it.

Re: Rebellion

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 2:21 pm
by Andreas the Wise
Cla'Udi, Margrave of Melangia supports the rebellion against Kaiseress Anandja II and the foreign troops while hoping to work productively with the current and legitimate Kaiser, Mors VI. History records still more of his reign, and he should be allowed to exercise it.

Troops stationed at the Ocean Palace shall be deployed to defend the Temple of Ryvenna. Troops are also deployed to defend Melangia; and moving down to secure Tymaria city.

OOC: Sometime I might even have enough time and mental energy to do up a story post :document

Re: Rebellion

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 3:41 pm
by Malliki Tosha
You really should pay attention. Anandja II has retired for the time being.

And how do you plan to support a rebellion against the Kaiser while at the same time hoping to work together with him?

Re: Rebellion

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 4:30 pm
by Andreas the Wise
You appear to have misunderstood the Atterock position. We support the legitimate Kaiser, Mors VI; and we support the rebellion of Greater Audentior against Kaiseress Anandja II and the foreign troops. If Anandja II has retired (as opposed to being murdered, which was the last I heard on the position), so much the better, but that does not prevent the wish of Atterock to express their support of the rebellion against her rebellion against Mors VI. Indeed, she might get it into her head to unretire out of a notion that the people support her rebllion against Mors VI; and so the support of the rebellion against her rebellion clearly shows her that Kildare is united in their rebellion against her rebellion, past, present and future; even if we are divided in our support for the other rebellion (not the rebellion against the rebel Antican and Ashkenatzan forces of course, the other rebellion). I hope I've made myself clear. :p

Besides, you appear to assume all is as it seems. The times are converging again. What has happened is happening again, and what has never been might yet be. There is only one History; but it does not always go to plan.

Re: Rebellion

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 5:30 pm
by Harvey Steffke
In my opinion and experience, rebelling in this country is the best way to not get what you want.

Re: Rebellion

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 2:10 am
by Jonas
Harvey Steffke wrote:In my opinion and experience, rebelling in this country is the best way to not get what you want.
So be it! :p

*Takes his new pitchfork and starts leading an angry mob*

Re: Rebellion

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 2:47 am
by Andreas the Wise
Cla'Udi, now Margrave, fumed silently as he flew back from Shirekeep to Sakatra. The attitude of the head of House Tosha irked him. Did he really think Kildare, mighty bastion of Apollo Culture and World History for scrupulously recorded centuries was after anything so crass as a land grab? Could he not see that the protection of ancestral land was in the interests of the nation - not to mention that a lax administrator was better than no administrator? Cla'Udi's time would certainly be better spent in Kildare.

Time. That was the problem. Cla'Udi let out a sigh and tried to calm himself. Baron Andreas the Wise had taught him to feel more; but perhaps he had learnt the lesson too well. Once, the protection of history had been a matter of solemn duty. Now, it was also a matter of fierce pride. He breathed in and out slowly as he watched the clouds outside his window. Even here, over Shire Sea, he could already see the patterns emerging. He had to remind himself that the Benancian Shirithians did not have the wisdom to read the clouds; did not know their deep histories; could not see the signs of what was coming. Returning.

Once again, he wondered why he had swore, more than a decade ago, to not speak of the Kildarian Time Wars. The beginning of the Gong Li rebellion went down in history; and the end result of the return of the Barony of Hallucination under Austi Scott went down in history; but barely a mention was made of the events in between. David was down as naught more than a minor count. Cla'Udi knew why the history had not been recorded; why it could not be fully recorded, and should not be spoken of; but still, it would make his job a lot easier if he could explain the
real reason it was essential that House Kildare manage all of Kildare. Events were moving faster than he was expecting, and Kildare was in danger. He hoped that by now, Dutch Jonas had sent troops to the key locations, and that his own orders had been received, and his forces were moving out to the Temple of Ryvenna and to Tymaria City. Historically unverify those Anticans and their plots, that made this necessary. He could not risk non-Kildarians disturbing the delicate balance which had been hard won - not now that the times were converging. He just hoped that it would be enough.