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Zulu 5 Oscar LLC

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 6:42 pm
by Nick Foghorn Leghorn
Zulu 5 Oscar LLC
Norfolk Office

The newest office of Z5O offers the following services:

Media distribution and hosting
As part of Z5O's efforts to encourage micronational media production, we will provide online hosting for your media (be it audio, video, text, or other formats) on Z5O's server for a guaranteed minimum of 3 years with a guaranteed 99% uptime. Media will be uploaded to the server within 30 minutes of receiving it.

In addition, Z5O will (at the producer's request) distribute the media through KZFO, a podcast that has been continuously operating for the last 3 years, and producing some of the finest micronational news and entertainment. Additionally, the owner of the media can request to have a separate feed created specifically for distribution of the owner's media only.

Security Consulting
In a post EZ-Bomb and GoldenEye world, making sure your nation's site is secure against spam cannons, intruders, and other security threats has to be a high priority. But how do you know if your site is secure?

Zulu 5 Oscar can help. Our team of security professionals can do three levels of risk assessment:
  1. Cursory assessment. Our team asks you to answer a short questionnaire about the code and configuration running on your server, and based on the answers, we will provide you with recommendations on how to harden your website and forum against attack. Time to completion: ~1-2 days
  2. Short penetration test. Our security experts will attempt to gain access to the administrative controls of your website and/or forum using a variety of tools, and then provide the results to you in order to fix the attack method so malicious individuals can't do it in the future. All of our experts have signed nondisclosure agreements and understand the scope of the test, and will not harm your website in any visible or permanent manner. This method is highly recommended. Time to completion: up to 12 hours
  3. Full penetration test with continuing support. Our team will perform a longer penetration test, and will provide continued testing and support for the future for a recurring fee.
In addition, our experts can provide a forensic investigation of an intrusion after it has occurred, trying to track down the culprit and remedy any damage that may have been inflicted. Our experts have had experience with this type of work following the Tgaoth incident with the Republic of Antica, as well as other recent incidents.

Website hosting, coding, and administration
Z5O also now provides web hosting for nations who wish to set up a private phpBB installation, a bank, or other web application, but do not have enough money to do so. Applications may also be coded from scratch to any specifications you may desire.

Contact Foghorn for more information on these services