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Back to our regularly schedule programming

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 6:02 pm
by Allot
And we're back! That was a message from our sponsor, NerdRage Inc. As predicted by his Niftiness, both Erik Mortis and Harvey Steffke have returned and are already attempting to retake their positions as Primate of the Small Commonwealth and Diplomacy Master Extraordinaire, respectively. In other news, Malarbor I has started the Summit at the Tree to discuss the future of the Small Commonwealth. Many people have cried.

The resignation of the Praetor caused some constitutional crises to pop up. Do we need a another Charter amendment?

Straylight is a duchy again, and the Imperial Government has decided to celebrate with a round of taxes! Hurrah! Everyone but the Elwynnese appear to have payed, but it's hard to pay your taxes when you're being overthrown.Foghorn still appears to have a tank.