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Diplomacy and the Landsraad

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 1:06 pm
by Scott of Hyperborea
Shireroth has caught Backstab Fever with the beginning of not one but two games of Non-Micronational Diplomacy. Ari's Game, between Scott, Harvey, Icebreaker, Ryan, Ardashir, Andreas, and Malliki; and Icebreaker's Game, between Braden, Leo, Artz, Chris, Max, Corey, and Allot. Go watch the intrigue, cheer on your favorite players, and place bets on the outcome.

There was a bit of a scuffle between the Kaiser and Landsraad, when the Kaiser rejected the Landsraad's recommendation for changes in the Honors system. Although the Kaiser eventually implemented many of the recommendations, it was not before a lively debate on the Kaiserial veto. The issue led to a bill to bar the Kaiser from the Landsraad, and a judicial analysis determining this to be constitutionally impossible. Also getting barred from the Landsraad: Leo Dine, who contrary to explicit Shirerithian legislative procedure always votes "Baaaaaaa".

More importantly, the Landsraad is fundamentally restructuring its membership in perhaps the greatest upheaval in Shirerithian government since the Great Consolidation. The bill, surprisingly proposed by the usually conservative Erik Mortis, would allow Dukes to distribute Landsraad votes to lesser nobles in their Duchy, and is a continuation of recent legislation de-establishing Baronies at the Imperial level. It's an exciting time for internal Duchy government!

In other news, our bid to get Lac Glacei didn't go so well, MiniEx is looking for ambassadors, the Duke of Elwynn position returns to Allot, our diplomats welcome the Valencians, and apparel is growing in Vietnam. MALARBOR SEES AN EXCITING INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY!