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Word had come

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 3:30 pm
by Kaiser Loki III
The supervisor of the Imperial Hangars had received a short telephone call from the Kaiser's office.

He had opened a unit that had been sealed for many years. Inside stood a Douglas DC-3, painted in festive colors.

The two JATO units attached to the wings attested to he fact that the aircraft was far from standard. It seemed to glow from within with a pale yellow light. He hitched it to the little service tractor, and brought it out onto the runway.

Re: Word had come

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 1:13 pm
by Jacobus Loki
The former Kaiser had managed to slip out of thalace before the mobs of angry Brookshirians began to form outside the front gate.

His Humvee, specially modified to cary his Chelkran guardsmen, was not inconspicuous. The mob found it two kilometers from the airport. All but one of the guards had remained to protect Kaiser Reynardine, and things looked ugly.

"DOWN WITH THE CHARTER-MANGLER!" chanted the most vocal elements of the crowd. "KILL THE TRAITOR!"

"Do no harm to them, " Jake told the driver, as he was about to run down the leaders, "They've been stirred up by the well-financed, and they know not what they do."

"I know, " said the large white-blond guardsman, showing his fangs, "I swore to protect you. This I shall do."

He exited the vehicle, drawing a strange looking pistol in one huge hand and a 2 meter broadsword with the other. The foremost member of the mob flinched as the blade flashed. His pants fell off. The Giant Chelkran snarled, and the crowd drew back.

"NOW!" he shouted.

"At your command, " was a a cry from the side street. A squadron of armored cars bearing Kildarian and Yardistani livery formed up along side of the humvee. A pink dirigible approached from the direction of the airfield.

"FORWARD!" roared the guardsman, folding himself back into the vehicle.

Re: Word had come

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 1:40 pm
by Jacobus Loki
The convoy drew up beside the DC-3. The former monarch looked up at the Chelkran.

"You saved my life!"

"I know", growled the giant. "I did my job, performed my duty. Go now, I must return to my fellows. We serve the Kaiser, you know."

What passed for a grin was on his furred face.

"Take this." The former monarch placed a bag of coins in the front pocket o9f the guards uniform. "For you and your fellows. Remember me, from time to time."

"We shall, Your Niftyness."

The ex-Kaiser boarded the aircraft. Blinded by sudden tears, he was assisted through the door by members of the aircraft crew, loyal to him through many years of service.

The plane began to roll. As the JATO units fired, it rose into the air, and turned south by east.

The convoy turned back toward the palace.