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Mourning the loss, but moving on!

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 11:05 am
by Daniel Farewell
Brothers Kalirion!

We have lost four proud members of this house. They have given Elwynn and this house so much. So much thought, hope, and creativity. They have put their souls into this land, and we mourn their departure.

May all peace and beauty fall upon them. May the Sun bless them and the Earth keep them in her warm embrace.

This leads us to think what to do now.

Perhaps we should join forces with another house so that this Kalirion house can remain strong, remain powerful and have a say in the appointment of the next kaiser. I propose a union with the House of Kildare. I have not yet spoken with Cla'udi of Melangia or Jonas, head of the house, but I feel that if we give them this offer, a new order of things could be made for our houses, joined under the light of Lumina and Elwynn.

What would the purpose of this house be, some may ask. Unto them I say, to keep the records of history for our lands, for it is much that we share. We have a love for the arts and creativity. We make small stories into history, we aim for the sky but reach for the stars. We are brothers and sisters in Light.

To keep the records of history

To culturally advance the society in which we form

To decide who the next kaiser shall be

Land has since the reformation of the ducal system been a matter of discussion. Some say land belong only to the Kaiser, but without his people holding the land, developing the land, what use is the land then? No, let the structure of the imperial republic be, and for this we shall aim, that as long as one is loyal to the Imperial Republic, holding fealty to the Kaiser, land will be held by law to the Houses, forming territorial fiefdoms entitling them right to represent their people in the land in which they live.

As such, the system of core lands will be developed. Additional land can be given and easily taken away, but those lands will be as "colonies" of the houses-fiefdoms, held not by law, but by the Kaiser's or Landsraad's free will.

A sort of codification of the Shirerithian confederation.

Furthermore, I propose this: The Union of K and K will have the larger house as patron or matron, the minor of them will appoint the Steward. The Union of the Houses will aim to decide which person of the Empire shall sit on the Golden Mango Throne upon the tragic, but one-day inevitable demise of Mors the Sixth.

Heed my call!

Re: Mourning the loss, but moving on!

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 12:31 pm
by Aurangzeb Khan
No objection so long as the pact acknowledges the separate identities of the Elw and Kildarean nations.

Re: Mourning the loss, but moving on!

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 12:30 pm
by Daniel Farewell
But of course.

Re: Mourning the loss, but moving on!

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 1:40 pm
by Aurangzeb Khan
Fair enough then. Yell if you need a verbose text like the last time.