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Duchy of Northhold

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 12:32 pm
by Hertug Gordon II
WE THE UNDERSIGNED, the Counts of Hyperborea, Comstokia, Volsung, and Cimmeria, shall unite as the Duchy of Northhold.

1) The Barony of Northhold shall no longer exist, and shall now be the Duchy of Northhold.

2) The Duchy of Northhold shall be comprised of the Barony of Cromsfist and the Barony of Woodbridge.
2a) John Sager shall be Duke of Northhold, Baron of Woodbridge, and Count of Comstokia.

3) The Barony of Cromsfist shall consist of the County of Volsung, under Count Eoin Dornan, and the County of Cimmeria under Count Sir Ophiuchus.
3a) The Baron of Cromsfist shall be Sir Ophiuchus.

4) The Barony of Woodbridge shall consist of the County of Hyperborea under Count Scott Alexander, and the County of Comstokia under Count John Sager.
4a) The Baron of Woodbridge shall be John Sager.

5) Power shall succeed to appointed heirs and Stewards in a fashion similar to the Imperial Kaisers of Shireroth.

6) The votes given to the Duchy of Northhold for the Landsraad according to Shireroth Law shall be split as eveny as possible between the Barony of Woodbridge and the Barony of Cromsfist.
6a) In the event an even split is not possible, the Duke of Northhold shall receive the additional vote. (For example if the Duchy of Northhold is given 13 votes, The Duke of Northhold and his Barony will receive 7 votes, and the Baron who is not the Duke will receive 6 votes).

7) The process of adding other counties and baronies to the Duchy of Northhold shall be decided at a later date.

8) The Counties and Baronies of Northhold shall be vassals to the Kaiser, and as free as possible under Shireroth Law.

9) In the future, if signed by all Counts of Northhold, a pact can be written creating a political structure to make more decisions regarding the political, social, and cultural landscape of Northhold.


____________, Count of Hyperborea
____________, Count of Comstokia, Baron of Woodbridge, Duke of Northhold
____________, Count of Cimmeria, Baron of Cromsfist
____________, Count of Volsung

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 1:13 pm
by Hertug Gordon II
1) The County of Bjorngard shall be incorporated into The Duchy of Northhold.
1a) The The Count of Bjorngard shall be Ryan Caruso.
1b) The County of Bjorngard shall be located in the Barony of Cromsfist.

2) The vote distrubtion because of the County joining Northhold shall be as follows:

Vote Calculations
#counties (C): 5
#baronies (B): 1 (minus the Duke's Barony of Woodbridge)
being a duchy(D): 2
Barony of Woodbridge
Counties: 2
votes (B1)= counties + 1
Barony of Comsfist
Counties: 3
votes (B2)= counties + 1

C+B+B1+B2+D = 15.

The Baron of Comsfist shall recieve the following votes:
3 for the number of Counties (C), 4 for its votes as a Barony (B2), and 1 for being a Barony (B). This equals 8 votes.

The Barony of Woodbridge shall recieve the following votes:
2 for the number of Counties (C), 3 for its votes as a Barony (B1), and 1 for being a Duchy. This equals 7 votes.

3) Votes shall be calculated and fairly distrubuted with the addition and/or subtraction of any Counties or Baronies.

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 8:57 pm
by Hertug Gordon II
So with the new passed act does this legally go into effect now? 7-8 vote break down?