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Contract of the Barony of Antya

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 6:45 am
by Bill3000
WE the Undersigned, lords of our respective Counties, recognizing a confluence in geography, cultural heritage, mutual respects for the Apollo Legacy, and in recongition of the old nations and empires of ages past, do hereby assent and agree to the following terms of Contract that shall bind our Counties together under one fief.1. The County of New Jasonia, the County of Gong Li, the County of Norfolk, and the County of Schlangen shall be drawn together into one Barony, which shall be named the Barony of Antya.2. The Barony of Antya shall be ruled by a Baron, who shall have executive, legislative, and judicial powers within the Barony. For higher authority, the Barony may choose to become part of a Duchy or not; but if not, then the Baron is answerable only to the Kaiser and the Imperial Government.3. Counts beneath the authority of the Baron of Antya shall be given leave to do within their respective Counties what is necessary (or even unnecessary) for the cultural and physical well-being of those same Counties; but as long as this Contract remains in force, no Count may disregard the laws of the Baron of Antya, unless higher orders supercede them.4. The first Baron of Antya shall be Bill Dusch, the Count of New Jasonia. He, or the legally appointed heirs that come after him, shall rule the Barony for as long as this Contract is in effect.5. This Contract shall remain in force for a period of no more than six months, at which time it must be reconfirmed by the Counts that are party to it. The Contract shall be reconfirmed in this manner no less often than every six months thereafter. Any Counties whose Counts fail to reconfirm the Contract shall cease to be part of the Barony; if fewer than two Counties reconfirm, the Contract shall be held broken and the Barony dissolved.6. Any changes to this Contract may be written by the Baron, but the altered Contract must be presented to the Counts under its authority for reconfirmation as described in the above article.7. Other Counties other than the original three may join the Barony of Antya provided they agree to this Contract and abide by its terms. This Contract shall be amended to include the proper terms at that point in time.Signed,Bill Dusch,Count of New JasoniaRarkasha,Count of Gong LiNick Foghorn LeghornCount of NorfolkDavid Beckford,Count of Schlangen