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Therapy Session #1

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 10:09 am
by Leo Fenrir
"Ok Leo the hour is yours."

"Where should I start?"

"Wherever you feel like starting."

"Well I guess it all began when that Allot girl came back."

"Oh? and how do you feel about that."

"Uh how much is this costing an hour?"

"1 erb"

"Ah ok. Well I wasn't happy. I mean there I was going off to war. It was supposed to be my moment! Then she waltzes in with her size 200 font and her BF0000 colored letters and steals the spotlight."

"Ok this is a good start. I am sensing some repressed emotions though. Could this have something to do her father?"

"Andrew? Impossible. He and I were two good friends who only occasionally fought made fools of both of ourselves in the council room."

"Maybe jealousy?"

"Of her!? Who could ever be jealous of her atrocious sense of style, her complete lack of respect, her funny decrees, or least of all her way of being awesomely British at times?"

"Well this is obviously a deep set issue which will require much more time to deal with."

"I do not have issues!"

"Whatever you say Leo. Now please continue."

"Well I guess the next thing was that damned letter from Cho'Gall. I mean, none of the other Dukes ever had to deal with such a disrespectful man, not to mention lacking in imagination."

"Now Leo, just because your angry doesn't give you the right to take it out on him."

"The man shot me!"

"Did he now? How come I haven't heard of this?"

"He changed his mind? Oh I don't know its all very confusing."

"I see. Carry on please."

"I'll admit that was all fine and dandy, I am a patient man, but suddenly my Barony has yet another bug infestation, except this time the damn things wont die! I swear to the Great Sheep-"


"The Great Sheep? Mother to us all? God of wooliness and lamb chops."

"I'll mark that down for later discussion. Forgive my interruption, go on."

"Well the RaidTM didn't work so the Khan said I should get the ISI involved, and I did. Except when they fired at the citadel-"

"I'm sorry Leo, but what citadel?"

"Oh did not mention the giant copyright infringement that popped up from underneath the city? No? Well it did... Anyways. So not only does it completely ignore the thousands of Newtons of energy that hit it but it then proceeds to fire a giant death beam at a city in Wintergleam. And you know I don't even think that would bug me if someone could explain to me how a giant citadel, of some considerable mass presumably, could make it all the way from northern Agnesia to the Wintergleam border in a matter of seconds, undetected by the dozens of ISI satellites watching it, and did I mention completely unfazed by the several tons of exploding rocket fuel and iron rods packed with KE?!"

"And how do you feel about that?"

"Its maddening!"

"Ok this is a good start. I am sensing some repressed emotions though."

"How much am I paying you again?"

"1 erb"

"Ah yes..."

Re: Therapy Session #1

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 2:36 pm
by Cho'Gall
Mkay well it has been a week since the Citadel rose from the earth, is it impossible to think that enough time has passed that it move from one place to another.


Re: Therapy Session #1

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 6:59 pm
by Allot
"Some cheese for your whine, sir?"
"Myess, Albert, the Glenfyddich please."
"Certainly sir."

Whining is not an IB approved course.


"Yes, Ian?"
"Allot's finally cracked."

Re: Therapy Session #1

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 7:05 pm
by Leo Fenrir
I think Cho'Gal is just jelous because he doesn't have his own therapist.

Re: Therapy Session #1

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 7:40 pm
by Allot
Is Ian your therapist?! Tell me you two timing sheeplover!

Re: Therapy Session #1

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 7:54 pm
by Cho'Gall
I think Leo is mad because he never got his cookie, and therefore is BAAAWing

Re: Therapy Session #1

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 9:05 pm
by Allot
This would be where the hobgoblins enter...


Yes sir, goblins what go hob, and the like...

I see....

Re: Therapy Session #1

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 4:33 am
by Leo Fenrir
Good sir Cho'Gall, could you refrain from posting in Wintergleam where seemingly have nothing constructive to say? I can't afford to have to pay more then I already am for my therapy.

Re: Therapy Session #1

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 6:56 am
by Allot
MONKEYS! C'mon guys, who likes monkeys? Hands up! WOOOHOOO!

*tension is dispelled*

There we go.

Re: Therapy Session #1

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 8:20 am
by Cho'Gall

I'll stop insulting you when you do the same

Re: Therapy Session #1

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 9:18 am
by Leo Fenrir
Last warning good sir.

Re: Therapy Session #1

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 5:51 pm
by Allot
How 'bout this: you both suck. There, now you can both be mad at me. I'm so smart.