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A Morovian in the Kaiser's Realm

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 5:01 am
by Bill Bekkenhuis
...without prejudice regarding the question of who that might actually be at the moment :-)

Dear Diary,

Well, it's been about a week since Mike Fors asked me to check out Shireroth as a potential venue for micronational involvement and as the start of a possible career in micronational law.

I miss Morovia with its commitment to realism and peace but I suspect it will revive once again. It always does.

With all due respect, Shireroth is not quite so high-strung on issues of realism and peace. :)

In fact, it doesn't seem strung at all.

But it is entertaining.

I flew into the Mattlore Devious International Airport late on the evening of July 6th from Briesk. I was shocked to see pictures of the Kaiser draped in black and the news scrawl on the airport televisions announcing his death.

From there I took a train to Yardistan and caught the last ferry to Amity. The ferry schedule is, to say the least, very ambiguous if not completely indeterminate and one of the locals on board mentioned that this is because the islands themselves are a bit ambiguous and indeterminate, but that may just be local folklore.

As I walked the short distance into the town square of Amity, I stopped at a ShireStuff convenience store to pick up some amenities, including a couple of safety razors and a tube of some exotic mango-flavored toothpaste. Adventurous as I am, I couldn't bring myself to experiment with any of the moose-flavored stuff...

I greeted my old friend from Morovian days, Mike Fors, at a pub in Negrixnaht. The islands may fade in and out of existence and move around a bit, but I'm not a cartographer and the bars are open 24 x 7, so I knew the place was inhabitable.

Despite the late night and jet lag, I was up at dawn and was greeted, in the common room of the boarding house in which I am staying, with a sumptuous breakfast. They sure know how to eat in Shireroth... another good sign!

Went to the local library and acquainted myself with some of the basics of Shirerithian law. So far as I can tell, the foundation of the legal system is as follows:

1.The Kaiser has complete and total authority over the realm, within the authority granted to him by the Shirerithian Charter.

2.The Kaiser can change the Shirerithian Charter at will.

Well, I think to myself, not much need for lawyers here, is there?

I'm walking back from the library ready to tell Mike, 'no deal', when I come across a disturbing sight - barricades, bonfires and Shirerithians apparently rioting in the streets over a dispute regarding the succession to His Late Niftiness.

I say "apparently" because, with all due respect to Daniel Patrick Moynihan, the late senator from New York, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's probably - BUT NOT INVARIABLY - a duck. (Or chicken.)

In this case, I noticed that Shirerithians who had been red-faced and screaming, confronting each other across the no-man's land of the barricades, were absenting themselves in brief intervals to join their adversaries in pints at local establishments.

I decided that Shirerithians have civil war the way Americans have 4th of July celebrations and Morovians have committee meetings.

And as I see the drama play out between the chief Kaiserial contenders and the Barons and the people and the gods, it strikes me that a force beyond the written law is at work in Shireroth.

Looking beneath the surface of law, it would appear that Shirerithian tradition plays a significant role here in what happens. Just because the Kaiser - or the gods, for that matter - have the power to do anything they choose, doesn't mean that they will necessarily choose to avail themselves of that power.

The traditions of the land and of the (legally powerless) commoners, apparently weigh heavily upon the gods in reality even if not in law.

I shall continue my investigations.

W. F. Beck
(legal pen name for Bill Bekkenhuis - Bekkenhuis is just too damn long :-) )

Re: A Morovian in the Kaiser's Realm

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 7:14 am
by Kaiser Loki II
Well, of course Bill, you've landed in a traditonally anarchist Duchy.

Shireroth is as varied in it's legal traditions as it is in a lot of other things. Much as I love Yardistan (and as Kaiser I love all of Shireroth), Kildare and maybe Brookshire seem to have more potetial for lawyer(ugh)like activities.

Of course a Barony would give you a lot of autonomy to experiment.

Re: A Morovian in the Kaiser's Realm

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 7:27 am
by Malliki

nice writing. :) I will be relocating to Musica soon, the capital of my newly granted county. Feel free to join me there. The only difference is that it is a new county, it's still in the Holy Lands of Shireroth under Yardistan. It's also on the mainland, so the communications are better with Shirekeep and the some of the other duchies.

Re: A Morovian in the Kaiser's Realm

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 8:00 am
by Bill Bekkenhuis
Mike Fors wrote:I will be relocating to Musica soon, the capital of my newly granted county. Feel free to join me there. The only difference is that it is a new county, it's still in the Holy Lands of Shireroth under Yardistan. It's also on the mainland, so the communications are better with Shirekeep and th some of the other duchies.
Make sure you leave a trail of popcorn or breadcrumbs or something when you leave or I'll sure as dammit be lost.

The ferry was freaky and surreal.

The next time the gangplank descends, it might be Omaha Beach or the fifth level of Hell or the Republican National Convention - or something worse :)

Remember, I'm Morovian. We expect islands to be tolerably round and to stay in one place, etc., etc.


Re: A Morovian in the Kaiser's Realm

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 8:06 am
by Malliki
Or perhaps I will not relocate...

Re: A Morovian in the Kaiser's Realm

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 8:10 am
by Malliki
Or I will...

Re: A Morovian in the Kaiser's Realm

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 8:17 am
by Kaiser Loki II
the fifth level of Hell
oh, the PRH?

Re: A Morovian in the Kaiser's Realm

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 2:12 am
by Malliki

if you need any help, just PM me here or email me.

Re: A Morovian in the Kaiser's Realm

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 9:54 am
by Bill Bekkenhuis
Dear Diary...

A day or so later, and not much has changed.

There seems to be three Kaisers at the moment: the one who should be the Kaiser, the one who is the Kaiser and the dead Kaiser.

Death, in Shireroth, is no apparent handicap to political involvement. It may actually prove an advantage.

Now, one would think that, considering that all power in Shireroth ultimately resides in the Kaiser, that this type of ambiguity regarding who that might actually be would cause some type of catastrophic societal collapse.

Apparently not. It seems little more than a quirky inconvenience.

For all the barricades and signs and shouting it seems that all the major powers in Shireroth, including the gods, seem to be content to wait for the major players to mutually decide (in amiable discussion with themselves)...

a) what the new situation is, and...

b) how each of them will spin it.

An all-together reasonable response to what, in Morovia, would be a quite intolerable situation. (In Morovia, the King may be absent, but there is never any doubt who it is.)

It reminds me of an old (OLD!) Bill Cosby sketch in which he portrays the colonialists facing off, football skirmish fashion, against the Red Coats.

In any event, I shall continue pursuing my legal studies with Mike in the belief that in Shireroth, if there is micronational life after death, there will probably be political life after the apocalypse.

W. F. Beck

Re: A Morovian in the Kaiser's Realm

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 10:00 am
by Jonas
"there will probably be political life after the apocalypse."
Interesting view on this matter. :)

Re: A Morovian in the Kaiser's Realm

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 3:52 am
by Bill Bekkenhuis
Dear Diary -

Well, the Kaiser population has certainly taken a beating in the last 24 hours.

The legitimate Kaiser abdicated in favor of Erik Mortis and then went into exile in Maraguo.

Erik Mortis became Kaiser at 1:13 PM yesterday and enjoyed a glorious reign until 2:33 PM when he abdicated in favor of Ric Lyons who immediately ascended the throne (again) as Kaiser Ayreon.

Kaiser Ayreon then de-baronized (if that's a word) the dead Kaiser Hasan in his short-lived new incarnation as Duke Hasan Kalir, re-opening a theological discussion regarding the possibility of a last judgement following death.

I do not know the background of the decisions made (Erik? Ric? Jacobus? Hasan? Others? All of them?) but the outcome is, in my opinion, brilliant.

Jacobus, without renouncing the legitimacy of his claims, allows the gods to broker that legitimacy to Kaiser Ayreon without forcing the gods to break the deadlock through divine fiat.

Kaiser Ayreon can now claim the legitimacy of his rule through two lines of succession.

Queen Elizabeth I supposedly said, regarding the meaning of the sacrament of communion by saying, in effect, that she'd meddle in no person's conscience (as far as interpretation of the sacrament) so long as they conform to the official ritual.

It seems something similar goes on here - so long as you recognize Kaiser Ayreon as the legal AND legitimate Kaiser, it doesn't really matter what mental gymnastics you needed to go through to get there. :)

And, by (regretfully) axing Duke Hasan Kalir, Shirerithians can view the entire exercise through the paradigm of crime and punishment. Hasan, so the narrative goes, broke an (unwitnessed?) agreement made before the gods to name Jacobus as his heir by namingaiser Ayreon (an apparent innocent bystander in all this). He 'murdered' Jacobus' career ambition and, in return, received the "career death penalty" at the hands of (ironically) the person he named as his successor. Justice is served. And the gods witnessed and even assisted but did not just wave their hands and make it so.

And since none of these seasoned micronationalists are actually dead, per se, we can expect this or something similar every three months or so in Shireroth with many of the same cast in place. I suspect Jacobus has a great deal of good will going for him at this point.

But in any event, who needs cable TV with stories like this!

At any rate, I write this on a notepad as I watch the village of Amity fade off into early morning fog from my position in the stern of the ferry. I pause to make a brief correction in the journal, look up, and the whole island is gone. Damn! How long, I wonder, does it take to get used to that?

I'll miss the indeterminate islands and hope to return for vacation at some point (if I can ever find them again).

Meanwhile, I'm off to the City of Musica where I will be move into a short term rental while working with Mike Fors to establish a law practise.

The diary will continue in the County of Musica.

W. F. Beck

Re: A Morovian in the Kaiser's Realm

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 4:07 am
by Malliki
Brilliant, Bill. :) Your diary posts are very entertaining to read. BTW, my estate on the Isle of Myn is finished, so we do have somewhere to go during La Fiesta de la B0O0/\/\.

Re: A Morovian in the Kaiser's Realm

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 5:56 am
by hypatias mom
Bill, I love the way you approach the strange culture aind people of Shireroth as a travel writer keeping a journal of your trip and adventures. Great format. I can't wait to follow your discoveries while traveling around the entire country.

And , yes, you will be much safer in Mike's villa during the Fiesta. Hope you enjoy all our customs.

Re: A Morovian in the Kaiser's Realm

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 6:20 am
by Scott of Hyperborea
You're catching on fast, and your diary is a lot of fun to read. Keep it up.