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Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 3:44 pm
by El Zorro
Bah, the fool put his mid-ocean ship christening on K-Span. Light of Lumina, indeed. He should have been out here, on the border of Lumina's Light, in the open prairie, trying to make volunteer cavalry into a credible defense of the attack feared to come across the emptiness from Skiron.

He patted Tornado on the flank. What good was horseflesh? The DSSI Mark VII disruptor on his saddle gave him a little hope. As long as the batteries lasted.

The man is a grandstanding television producer, not a soldier.

--Sailor. He corrected himself. Hell of a talker. I only hope that he keeps them off-balance while the Vice-Steward pulls a diplomatic solution out of his er, ear.

No Kaiser.

No Steward.

The MoMa gone over to what seemed to be the enemy to come.

The Dutch out of contact.

Well, maybe the screwball with his big boats had a rabbit in his plumed hat.

Just then Sancho rode in with a brace of quail. Well, we eat tonight. Tomorrow would have to fend for itself.

Re: Television!

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 3:59 pm
by CJ Miller

Re: Television!

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 4:08 pm
by El Zorro
He saw the confused figure at the edge of the campfire's light.

Come, brother, if you are friend to the Kaiser and the Dutch, and sup with us this evening under the stars!

Re: Television!

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 4:22 pm
by CJ Miller
*runs down to the local All-Mart and buys a sleeping bag etc.*

"Hoch der Kaiser! Chun an Diúc Chill Dara!"

Re: Television!

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 4:32 pm
by El Zorro
Santiago, get this man a disruptor and a sword. Do we have any spare horses?

Re: Television!

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 6:57 pm
by CJ Miller
...Disruptor? What's that?

Re: Television!

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 1:33 am
by Andreas the Wise
CJ Miller wrote:*runs down to the local All-Mart and buys a sleeping bag etc.*

"Hoch der Kaiser! Chun an Diúc Chill Dara!"
Just for that, good sir, I'll have to set one up in this county. :document

Re: Television!

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 3:22 pm
by El Zorro
Soon the camp was filled with portable quartz lights, DVD players, barbecues, wading pools and more tents than he could have imagined.

All-Mart. Sigh.

Well, they DID have power packs for the disruptor rifles. And the manager said he could have 12 armored cars delivered by Wednesday.

And all the men (and the women) had body armor.

Not so bad after all.

Re: Television!

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 5:11 pm
by CJ Miller
And they said all-encompassing hypermarts/car dealers were a BAD thing... B)