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Entering the harbor

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 3:26 pm
by Jacobus Loki
As a dozen - or was it a thousand dozen - lined the quay of Port Hallucination, a sight from another era, another world met their few/many/multitudinous eyes.

The battleship Kaiser Mors V, the pride and sole survivor (perhaps) of so many fleets in which it had served under so many names, cut through the oft-present fog, and like dream meeting delusion, slowly moved toward the dock.

"What in the PRH is happening now?" the old sailor asked his younger crewmate.

"Well, ya knows how her Grabbyness took our Absentia away from Lord Jake? The Dutch Jonas has helped him to take the Lordship of this here place."

"An' what be the name of this-here place? It looks like Ghostyspookland from all the fog."

"Er, haven't you paid any attention, or is yer head still in the grog-bucket? This here be Port Hallucination."

The old salt made a cabalistic sign in the air. He shuddered.

Re: Entering the harbor

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 2:04 am
by Andreas the Wise
The governor of Port Halluci, the man history forgot, otherwise known as David, walked up to greet the ship. He waited for Jacobus to disembark, then bowed, and said, "My name is David. My time as Governor of Old Hallucination is up. I submit myself to your authority, to help where're I may. The citizens ... all the citizens ... are at your command."

Though at first it had seemed that only a dozen people stood at the Port, the sailors looked, and they could now see a crowd of thousands. There was something not quite right about them, though. Many seemed ... thin, as if they were no more substantial than the wind. And dotted amongst them were several dryads, armed with bows, and not looking as pleased as David about this development.

Re: Entering the harbor

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 2:10 am
by Jonas
The harbour master left his house when he heard that a battle ship had arrived at the port.
"I can't believe it," he mumbled to his wife, who was making dinner and shouted that he had to invite the captain to join them, "They arrived..."

A young soldier, also on his way to the harbour, ran into the harbour master and asked with a typical Hallucib accent: "Why in such a hurry, Master? It looks like you have to welcome some special guests!"

"I have to, indeed!"

The soldier looked a bit surprised and laughed: "Ahh, some fishermen who catched a big MagiGARP, perhaps? It's not like we often get more important folks in our harbour."

"A warship, the Kaiser Mors V, young soldier."

The soldier was once more very surprised, and cried: "A warship? It's THE warship! I have to see it!"

So, the two men ran to the harbour. The fog was slowly disappearing and made place for a nice, sunny weather. These two men were probably the only two civilians that hadn't heard about the arrival of the ship.

I have written my story while Andreas was doing it, I hope I don't spoil the story with it.

Re: Entering the harbor

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 3:55 pm
by Jacobus Loki
Lord Jacobus stood on the bridge, his usual thinned fur cape exchanged for what might have been a Yardistani Grand Admiral's uniform smelling heavily of mothballs.

"Captain, gather the crew on the starboard side. We have business."

"Yes, My Lord."


The sailors grumbled at being herded together for "another bleedin' pep talk," but the obeyed rapidly when the officers told them that the grog ration was doubled this evening.

Jake tried to look tall, but since his elevator shoes had fallen into the basement, well, Great-great-grandad Napoleon was no towering hero, at least off horseback. (Maybe he should by a horse?)

No, no, concentrate. This was important. He climbed a convenient ladder, harumphed once, and began to speak,

"My friends, valiant sailors of the Mors V, we have fought many battles, all of them ending in victory for the righteous. Today we fight another battle, this one to serve the Dutch of Kildare".

A discontented murmur arose from the crowd.

"I know that you are angered at having your homes in Yardistan seized by the Imperial Government. I also know that you are disappointed in me for not using this vessel to take revenge on those who have wronged us."

Confused grumbling. One old salt cried, "How about a cruise missile up the drainpipe of a particular big house in Shirekeep?" Cheers and nervous laughter became more prominent.

Jake raised his hands and smiled,"Wouldn't that be fun? Except that it would kill all of the servants, while the problem ran to the bomb shelter."

"Make 'er run then, Lord Jake! t'would be funny as PRH to watch that!"

".....And blew the living crap out of us, eventually. I don't forget that the spouses and children of most of you are on board. One ship cannot take on the Empire alone. But one ship can help defend the Dutch and Dutchy that stands for all of the ancient virtues we cherish, virtues that are withering in the rest of the country."

"I need you to to know as well, that in defending the last luminous place in Shireroth, that we do not stand alone!"

He drew a Sword, not just a sword, but a Sword, made by the gods themselves according to legend. The Sword of Madness blazed with living fire in his hand as he pointed it toward the entrance of the harbour.


A giant statue seemed to rise up from an islet at the end of a sandbar. The figure of a woman holding what seemed to be the sun over her head. It blazed with a light that was incredibly bright, but did not hurt the eyes, in fact two sailors threw away their glasses after seeing the light.

Jake began again, "Lady Lumina, I ask you to be witness to what we do here today."
Then sheathing his sword, he raised a paper in his hand.

"Sailors of the KMV, I could do this on your behalf. But I know that you all need a stake in this, a home, and I do not order you, I humbly request you to repeat after me, using your name where I speak mine."

He began in a loud voice that grew stronger as he continued,

"I Jacobus Loki, being sound in mind and pure in heart, do swear my allegiance to House Kildare in front of my fellows and Lord. I do swear the following:
- I swear allegiance to the Imperial Republic of Shireroth, for Kildarians shall always be Shirithian.
- I swear allegiance to House Kildare, my brothers and sisters in the sacred trust of governing Kildare, for a Kildarian is always loyal to his or her peers.
- I swear allegiance to the Dutch of House Kildare, to follow him when he leads wisely, and advise him when he has clouded judgement, for even Dutches are not gods.
- I swear to always protect the inhabitants of Kildare and seek their wellbeing, for it is for their purpose that House Kildare serves.
- I swear to uphold the noble traditions of Kildare, in history, war, magic and economics, because a Kildarian should always conduct one's self as befits a Kildarian.
- I swear to uphold the Apollonian Doctrine, and help restore official control of all Shirithian holdings on Apollonia to House Kildare by any means necessary save:
* secession from Shireroth
* the damnation of our eternal souls
* those sins that History cannot absolve us from
for the leaders and inhabitants of Kildare share the bond of history which transcends all lesser ties.
- I swear to protect the Time Crystals and keep the binding, for that is the duty of the Kildarian nobillity.
- I swear to never stay the Time Revisionists from their sacred duty, for history must be upheld.

I shall do all that I have sworn for as long as I shall remain in House Kildare; and may Sakat be generous when he records my mighty deeds."

All but one officer and sailor alike, swore the Oath. The one who did not fell to his knees in tears, and swore it in his heart.

Re: Entering the harbor

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 9:56 am
by Erik Mortis

Re: Entering the harbor

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 4:06 pm
by Jacobus Loki
Lord Jake paced the deck of the KMV. Intelligence reports that the House of Mortis was planning an attack had come in from several different sources.

"Ready my helicopter, bring the rest of communications and the staff as quickly as you can follow."

"My Lord, where are you going?"

"To see if legends have any truth. Captain, lead the fleet out of the harbour. Defcon 2."

"Fleet? What Fleet?"

Even as he spoke, dozens upon dozens of warships began to appear in the harbour around the KMV.

Re: Entering the harbor

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 4:10 am
by Andreas the Wise
Ooh, very nice, particularly the Lumina bit. We should do more with the old girl, especially since we have our new luminous names. :angel